The Blind Passion In Shakespeare's Othello

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Othello throughout history has been talked about; his story has been handed down from generation to generation. Most of Williams plays pull on the strings of the heart and Othello is one that pulls a little bit too hard. Othello is mostly about blind passion, and an antagonist who twists and turns everyone against each other and ends up destroying a man, due to overhearing a rumor. One of the greatest things about Othello is that shows the human heart raw, for what it really is. It uses the blind passion in its characters and starts a fire in the reader’s heart. There are three reasons why Othello is most likely to get a response out of its viewers, first off people understand the characters; second people get a look into the mind of a man …show more content…

While reading Othello people are bound to be sucked up in this world full of love, betrayal, and just a broad spectrum of human emotions. Now with these emotions all swirling about, the reader has probably experienced most of these and that is where the connection lies with the reader. The play establishes a bond with the reader a sense of familiarity. The play seems to be some form of emotional rollercoaster for readers to feel. Then in the end of the play, Othello learns a lesson from his over possessive emotions and flaw. Most people do not learn their lesson until they feel the repercussions after they have made their decision. The book draws a background for basic human emotion and lessons that need to be learned and ties it into the reader’s …show more content…

Iago is the main drive for almost everything in the story. There are times where it does not even seem that Othello is the main character in the story. Iago’s role in the story is to destroy Othello and he does a very good job of convincing the reader that he despises Othello. His monologues go repetitively about how terrible of a man Othello is. The reason why Iago is furious at Othello is that it is rumored that he slept with his wife. Everybody has felt that sting of betrayal and jealousy, but there are some people that do not think before they act and are so bent on making sure people get what they deserve or wanting bad things to happen to the people that have hurt them. These individuals get lost and that is what Iago is an example of that personal event. His monologues range from utterly despicable to some of the most well thought out plans that no one would have ever thought of. The great thing about Iago is he is not a standard villain. Most villains are dumb and always fail in their plans. Iago is completely different from the generic villain; he is smart and plans his moves

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