The Bible's Aspects Of Human Nature In The Bible

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For those wondering what exactly we are doing on this earth, the answers lie in the book of Genesis. Genesis is the book of beginnings, the seed that will later sprout into all of the truths portrayed through scripture in the rest of the Bible. The first two chapters show how beautiful the earth was before it became spoiled with sin. Genesis, specifically the first two chapters, symbolizes the work of God and his blessing of creating our earth and orderly universe. God revealed much about human nature and the nature of the world in the first two chapters of Genesis through scripture. Genesis 1 and 2 reveal aspects of human nature about harmonizing with nature, ruling and multiplying, morality, and the need to be organized.
In Genesis 1, …show more content…

The first chapters do not have any restrictions about what animals morally can do or not do—it is nearly impossible for animals to make moral decisions because they only rely on instinct. However, God does set restrictions on what humans can and cannot do. In Genesis 2: 16-17, God says, “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.” The quote may only be an allegory, but it does show why humans must be moral creatures and decide to follow or ignore God. To follow God is a relationship purely based on love. We are not persons without the option to choose. This sets us apart from all other animals and it is in our nature to have trustful, loving relationships with one another and God. However, not only our relationship with God is a moral choice. Humans are moral and consequences occur based on their choices. Chapter two also brings about other aspects of human nature in addition to morality. God gave Adam the task of naming every creature God created. As a result, “the man gave names to all cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field” (Gn 2:20). This quote can provide an answer to the human need to organize, categorize and define things. After all, man was given the job of naming everything God had

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