The Benefits Of Racial Passing

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Individuals in today’s society either suffer from being the minority’s and deal with the possibility of discrimination or they are of the dominant culture and receive many benefits. According to Burma (1946) states, “This passing of the legal Negro for white has been well known for over one hundred and fifty years” (p. 18). By participating in passing, one is able to get out of slavery, eat at better restaurants and better occupation opportunities. People are willing to give up their family and cultures in order to be a part of the dominant culture to have more privileges and lead a better life for them and their family. Racial passing is when African Americans and other minorities were historically discriminated against in the United States, so the fair-skinned offspring of whites and people of color often pretended to be white to take advantage of the opportunities that would’ve otherwise been denied to them (about news website, 2016, para. 1). Racial passing was also a vital point in our history; it either meant you could be a slave during the pre-Civil War era or you were able to slip …show more content…

Those who decide to use racial passing could experience emotional and even psychological issues. In working with our clients it is still very important to being culturally competent. Having knowledge of our client’s choice to choose racial passing will give us a better idea of what losses may exist for them in regards to closeness with family and cultures that they have decided to leave behind. Those who have chosen to leave for the more dominant culture have to acknowledge that while all whites benefit from racism, they do not all benefit equally (Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X., 2000, p. 67). Racial passing does have its benefits to those who wish to participate but it also has it downfalls in regards to what they are giving up in regards to their

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