Encompassed within the boundaries of this research paper, I will outline the rationale of constructing and implementing a publicly accessible patient portal for a healthcare organization. I will examine the utility, purpose and the technology requirements. Furthermore I will identify key employee involvement and the project tasks to make it operational and conclude with the highly probable benefits that the organization can expect to profit from its use. Despite all of the challenges presented in this paper, the benefits of this project has the potential to provide the organization a substantial return on investment (ROI) as highlighted by Heath Bell when he articulated, “portals are expected to be a key conduit for engaging patients in their care and getting them important health care information as quickly as possible” (Bell. 2012) Portals Portal Portals In its simplest form, the basic concept of a patient portal is that it is a website, that has some form of security embedded into the process, which allows identified users (patients) access to some level of their health information via the Internet. This access is controlled by authentication methods and the information is personal health data that is being hosted and/or managed by the organization (via a database). The amount or level of information that the user has accessed due is strictly set by the organization and access control through software applications that assure authentication, authorization and accountability. In a 2013 article, Gary Hamilton discuss the advantages of patient portals and state that they, “present many workflow efficiencies for providers, offer empowering tools for patient engagement and facilitate meaningful and relevant information excha... ... middle of paper ... ...are and/or preventative care.” (HealthIT. 2013) My conclusions In summary the benefits or employing or deploying a patient portal clearly out weigh the concerns of the delaying the project. When correctly implemented and properly deployed the organizational advantages can be: • -Reduction in routine administrative paperwork • -Secure electronic communication with patients • -Directed medical advice to patient’s needs or conditions • -Revenue opportunity for online patient payments • -Addressing Meaningful Use & Stage 2 requirements Along with the facilities gains here are the potential benefits for the patients: • -Faster access to personal health information • -Patient autonomy to self scheduled appointments & follow-up care • -Patient direct access to lab results • -Quicker access to specialty referrals • -Access to request routine prescription refills
As the evolution of healthcare from paper documentation to electronic documentation and ordering, the security of patient information is becoming more difficult to maintain. Electronic healthcare records (EHR), telenursing, Computer Physician Order Entry (CPOE) are a major part of the future of medicine. Social media also plays a role in the security of patient formation. Compromising data in the information age is as easy as pressing a send button. New technology presents new challenges to maintaining patient privacy. The topic for this annotated bibliography is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Nursing informatics role is imperative to assist in the creation and maintenance of the ease of the programs and maintain regulations compliant to HIPAA. As a nurse, most documentation and order entry is done electronically and is important to understand the core concepts of HIPAA regarding electronic healthcare records. Using keywords HIPAA and informatics, the author chose these resources from scholarly journals, peer reviewed articles, and print based articles and text books. These sources provide how and when to share patient information, guidelines and regulation d of HIPAA, and the implementation in relation to electronic future of nursing.
The preliminary effects of the Meaningful Use Program have began to have an impact on improving the quality of care and its’ safety and efficiency. I gained a greater understanding of information technology and it’s role and importance to my current and future practice. I learned the goal of the Meaningful Use Program isn’t just to install technology in facilities across the nation its so much more. The goals are to empower patients and their families, reduce health disparities and support research and health data. The EHR can prevent medication errors, reduce long term medical costs, improve population health and through the Meaningful use program the vision of this program is becoming reality.
Did you ever think about how much time is spent on computers and the internet? It is estimated that the average adult will spend over five hours per day online or with digital media according to Emarketer.com. This is a significant amount; taking into consideration the internet has not always been this easily accessible. The world that we live in is slowly or quickly however you look at it: becoming technology based and it is shifting the way we live. With each day more and more people use social media, shop online, run businesses, take online classes, play games, the list is endless. The internet serves billions of people daily and it doesn’t stop there. Without technology and the internet, there would be no electronic health record. Therefore, is it important for hospitals and other institutions to adopt the electronic health record (EHR) system? Whichever happens, there are many debates about EHR’s and their purpose, and this paper is going to explain both the benefits and disadvantages of the EHR. Global users of the internet can then decide whether the EHR is beneficial or detrimental to our ever changing healthcare system and technology based living.
Unfortunately, the quality of health care in America is flawed. Information technology (IT) offers the potential to address the industry’s most pressing dilemmas: care fragmentation, medical errors, and rising costs. The leading example of this is the electronic health record (EHR). An EHR, as explained by HealthIT.gov (n.d.), is a digital version of a patient’s paper chart. It includes, but is not limited to, medical history, diagnoses, medications, and treatment plans. The EHR, then, serves as a resource that aids clinicians in decision-making by providing comprehensive patient information.
“An electronic health record (EHR) is a digital version of a patient’s paper chart. EHRs are real-time, patient-centered records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users.” (healthit.gov) The EHR mandate was created “to share information with other health care providers and organizations – such as laboratories, specialists, medical imaging facilities, pharmacies, emergency facilities, and school and workplace clinics – so they contain information from all clinicians involved in a patient’s care.” ("Providers & Professionals | HealthIT.gov", n.d., p. 1) The process has proved to be quite challenging for providers. As an incentive, the government began issuing payments to those providers who “meaningfully use certified electronic health record (EHR) technology.” (hhs.gov) There are three stages that providers must progress through in order to receive theses financial incentives. Stage one is the initial stage and is met with the creation and implementation of the HER in the business. Stage two “increases health information exchange between providers.” ("United States Department of Health and Human Services | HHS.gov", n.d., p. 1) Stage three will be the continuation and expansion of the “meaningful use objectives.” ("United States Department of Health and Human Services | HHS.gov", n.d., p. 1) The hospital, where I work, initiated the HER mandate many years ago. In this paper, I will discuss the progression and the challenges that my hospital encountered while implementing the EHR mandate.
There seemed to be hardly any difference in the volume of office visits for the patients who used an electronic messaging program with a patient portal, based on a retroactive research of 2,357 adult primary care patients in Mayo Clinic’s Rochester, MN. The research was from April 2010 to August 2011. The researchers stated in the study that the portal has actually been promoted in order to reduce expenses on appointment setting up as ...
According to the National Alliance for Health Information Technology (2008) and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) (2012), the personal health record (PHR) is defined as the individual lifelong electronic health records. Its features are electronic, readily available, personal control, standardization, resource sharing, and portability. Although the PCEHR is currently being implemented in several countries of the world, it still has many controversial disadvantages. Hoy, Yoshihashi, & Bailey, 2012) mention that some of the ideal functions of PHR, include patient controlled, longitudinal record, interoperable and resource sharing, portability, automated input of clinical reports, as well as the integration of clinician workflow. "The PCEHR is aimed to be a secure electronic summary of people's medical history stored and shared in a network of connected systems from a central electronic hub (Australian Nursing Journal, Aug. 2012; Kerai, Wood, &Martin, March 2014)”. The Australian Government has clear legal provisions on PCEHR implementation, including the conditions of participation, target participants, methods and procedures of registration, informed consent, security requirements, penalties for violation of privacy and mitigation strategies (Australian Nursing Journal, Aug. 2012; Australia Government ComLaw, 2012; Williams, 2013; Wilson, 2012). However, The Australian (2013, September 17) notes that the Australia government has invested 1 billion on the project, but only 0.6% of people actually using this program registered at about 65 million electronic health record conditions.
Health information opponents has question the delivery and handling of patients electronic health records by health care organization and workers. The laws and regulations that set the framework protecting a user’s health information has become a major factor in how information is used and disclosed. The ability to share a patient document using Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is a critical component in the United States effort to show transparency and quality of healthcare records while protecting patient privacy. In 1996, under President Clinton administration, the US “Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)” established national standards for the safeguard of certain health information. As a result, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 or (HIPAA) was established. HIPAA security standards required healthcare providers to ensure confidentiality and integrity of individual health information. This also included insurance administration and insurance portability. According to Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), an organization must guarantee the integrity, confidentiality, and security of sensitive patient data (Heckle & Lutters, 2011).
The purpose of the Electronic Health Record is to provide a comprehensive, standardized and universal digital version of a patient 's health records. The availability of a patient 's digital health record provides health information and data for critical thinking and evidence based decision-making, aggregates patient data for quality assurance and research. The Electronic Health Record has been, "identified as a strategy for effectively and efficiently coordinating and maintaining documentation of patients health histories and as a secure method of providing more informed clinical decision making" (MNA, 2006).
Lyles et al. claim, “Ninety percent of healthcare systems now offer patient portals to access electronic health records (EHRs) in the United States, but only 15% to 30% of patients use these platforms” (2020, para. 1). The adage of the adage. Even though this percentage accesses these platforms, not all of them understand it. To address some barriers we need to focus on, “Understanding the medical content presented and the need for improved digital skills and confidence”.
...s in the health industry. It is set to change the way doctors and patient’s access information as it will make information more available in a clear and efficient way.
The present environments for healthcare organizations contain many forces demanding unprecedented levels of change. These forces include changing demographics, increased customer outlook, increased competition, and strengthen governmental pressure. Meeting these challenges will require healthcare organizations to go through fundamental changes and to continuously inquire about new behavior to produce future value. Healthcare is an information-intensive process. Pressures for management in information technology are increasing as healthcare organizations feature to lower costs, improve quality, and increase access to care. Healthcare organizations have developed better and more complex. Information technology must keep up with the dual effects of organizational complication and continuous progress in medical technology. The literature review will discuss how health care organizations can provide effective care by the intellectual use of information.
”(Hillestad et al., 2005) A benefit that is more directed towards the patient’s side of the spectrum is patient directed functionality. It provides patients with the ability to use their own computer to schedule visits, send secure e-mail messages to providers, order medications, access their charts, and obtain more individualized educational patient care information, which overall improves the quality of healthcare. However, the main drawbacks are due to the lack of compliance from physicians and high initial costs. Many healthcare facilities and professionals find that changing their methods are unappealing because they would have to train their employees as well as finance the equipment necessary, which can
Together, personal health records and patient portals are equally becoming integrated in today’s society to enhance the overall quality of health. Both store information for professionals to draw conclusions and make critical decisions. In contrast, a personal health record provides maintenance of lifelong data for an individual (Fahrenholz & Russo, 2013, p. 19). An array of information is detailed including family history and founding’s extracted from the involvement of various medical professionals. Whereas, a patient portal is implemented from a specific facility and feeds information inclusive of a patient’s appointment history, lab results, and prescriptions administered.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been shown to be increasingly important in the education or training and professional practice of healthcare. This paper discusses the impacts of using ICT in Healthcare and its administration. Health Information technology has availed better access to information, improved communication amongst physicians, clinicians, pharmacists and other healthcare workers facilitating continuing professional development for healthcare professionals, patients and the community as a whole. This paper takes a look at the roles, benefits of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in healthcare services and goes on to outline the ICT proceeds/equipment used in the health sector such as the