The Awakening: A Short Story

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The Awakening
Anna and Josh are the typical married couple with an ordinary life. It was Anna’s special day and Josh wanted to take her to a museum because Anna had always been interested at looking at famous relics and intricate, well-preserved sculptures. The museum was facing a large park with a massive lake. Before entering the museum, Anna saw pulling a woman dressed in stripped, black and white dress pushing a stroller while talking to a man in khaki shorts and polo shirt holding a little boy’s tiny hands. The little boy giggle when he saw a pomeranian and they noticed him and they both looked at him lovingly and adoringly. Children running around playing all sorts of games while others sat on the freshly-cut grass while licking their …show more content…

“Look at the little boy right there trying to lick of the melted ice scream in his tiny hands.” Josh says in an amused tone while trying hard not to chuckle. “Such a bad idea to eat ice scream today” Josh says while looking entertained by the little boy.
“Josh, stop making fun of him” Anna whispered to Josh in a teasing manner.
“I’m sorry! I couldn’t help it” Josh exclaimed while smiling. “Lets probably go …show more content…

Josh pushed the entrance door open and he waited for Anna to enter first. Anna muttered a ‘thank you’ to Will and at the same time, Josh just casually wink at her, making her blush. Anna and Will was greeted by the warm, aromatic smell of coffee. The museum was quite bustling with energy, but it wasn’t fully packed with people. They started their journey towards the Greeks. Anna’s eyes lit up like a christmas tree once she saw the statue of Hermes with the infant Dionysus‎ and the Aphrodite of Arles. They then moved to the Egyptian section which was located in the far back of the building. Will stared at a slab of limestone with an elaborate inscription of hieroglyphs. It was actually called “The False Door from the Tomb of a Priestess of Hathor, Irti.” Josh was itching to touch the piece of relic but before he can withdraw his hand away from it, it instantly glowed in such a beautiful and vibrant color green. His eyes went wide and shock was clearly evident in his eyes; he was mesmerized. All of the sudden, the shock was now replaced with terror when a dusty, fully bandaged, withered hand came out of the slab and into his neck. The hand was scrawny but it was so strong. Since it was located in the far back of the museum, no one could possibly hear and see him unless he screams. Unfortunately, the hand was securely tight around his neck and it was simply difficult for him to scream. Josh

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