The Atrocities of World War II

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The only recognized atrocity of World War II was the Holocaust, but the real truth hides much deeper within. There were thousands of atrocities that occurred leading up to the war, within the years of World War II, and after the war. Many were unrecognized and undocumented and the stories of the dead still remain unknown. My purpose here is to tell the story of the men, women, and children that no one remember, or never even knew existed. The Holocaust was perhaps the most dramatic and well known atrocity of World War II because of the sheer number of deaths and crimes that had to be put on trial in Nuremburg. Millions upon millions of Jewish men, women, and children were executed and experimented on in dozens of ways. The Russians assaulted hundreds of German towns on the way to Berlin, trying to end the war. When the Russian soldiers would go through the towns of Germany, “They raped every German girl from eight to 80,” a famous quote from the book Berlin: The Downfall 1945 by Antony Beever. If the women resisted rape by hundreds of men, they were tortured to death only to have their lifeless corpses raped. The Japanese would take POWs and citizens of captured towns and execute them in masses, burn them, gas them, and kill them in any way possible. The Japanese war crimes can be compared to that of the Germans, but the only difference would be the sheer number of people that the Nazis killed. Even the American soldiers committed war crimes, but the main ones were executing the SS soldiers found in liberated Death Camps such as Auschwitz. Every Axis and Allied power in World War II had their “reasons” behind killing thousands of people or ruthlessly killing the surrendering adversaries. The Germans wanted to execute all of th... ... middle of paper ... but the cold reality is a frightening one. One of these days, there will be a leader that will rise up and attempt to control the world, just as there has been in the past. The question is, would the world be ready for it? Bibliography Fauen, Eva. "Top 10 Allied War Crimes of WWII" . Beevor, Anthony. Berlin: The Downfall 1945. 2002 Wiesel, Elie. Night. United States: Hill & Wang, 1960. Tassava, Christopher. "The American Economy during World War II" . Bentley, Magee, Marlowe, PBS, Scott, "PTSD in World War II" . Ingrid Rimland, "Hideous Allied War Crimes During and After WWII" .

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