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Importance of motivation to the students
Importance of motivation to the students
Importance of motivation to the students
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Can American education stand to be improved? Of course! America isn’t a top performing country in academics. Other countries have much better, focused, and strict education programs that produce top students. While the United States isn’t failing in education, it definitely has some areas that could stand to be improved. Parents need to be more involved in their kid’s education, testing shouldn’t be the focal point of school, teachers need to be better qualified, and students should strive to do their best. If all of these can be achieved, then education in America can be improved.
The expectations and standards for kids in America are too low. The low expectations of students are encouraging them to slack off or not give their education their best efforts. Many states are making tests and curricula easier so it looks like their students are performing really well, when in reality they are just being given easy material (“Bursting bubbles; Education…”). After school activities are another factor in low academic performance. While jobs and sports provide many benefits, school is the number one priority for kids. Not enough emphasis is put on this by teachers and parents (“Shortchanging students: How…”). Parents are contributing to the low expectations by not paying enough attention to how their kids are doing in school, also. Parents should be rewarding children for achievements and punishing them for failures instead of ignoring what is happening in their child’s life. If kids know that they won’t be punished or rewarded then they won’t try their hardest, because they know it doesn’t matter. Students have reported that they think grades aren’t important, they don’t try their hardest, or are afraid of what their friends migh...
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...ver Performance.” Gannett News
Service. 06 Jun. 2007: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 07 Apr. 2014. http://sks.sirs.com Smith, Eric. “ ‘No Child Left Behind’ Get Left Behind.” Wall Street Journal. 29 Apr. 2013:
A.17. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 02 Apr. 2014. http://sks.sirs.com
“To D or not to: does a New Jersey policy make the grade?” Current Events, a Weekly Reader publication. 13 Sept. 2010: 7+. Student Edition. Web. 06 Apr. 2014. http://go.galegroup.com Wilby, Peter. “Star pupils and self-service socialists.” New Statesman [1996] 23 Aug. 2010: 8.
Student Edition. Web. 06 Apr. 2014. http://go.galegroup.com
Williams, Mary E. Education: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2000. Print
Wooster, Martin, and others. “Model Schools.” American Enterprise. Jan. /Feb. 2001: 18-44.
SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 07 Apr. 2014. http://sks.sirs.com
Cayton, Andrew R. L., Elisabeth Israels. Perry, Linda Reed, and Allan M. Winkler. "The New Jersey Plan." Prentice Hall America: Pathways to the Present. Boston, MA: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. 152-53. Print.
The greatest country in the world still has problems evenly distributing education to its youth. The articles I have read for this unit have a common theme regarding our education system. The authors illustrate to the reader about the struggles in America concerning how we obtain and education. Oppression, politics, racism, and socioeconomic status are a few examples of what is wrong with our country and its means of delivering a fair education to all Americans.
We live in a society where we are surrounded by people telling us that school/education and being educated is the only way to succeed. However, the school system is not up to the standards we want it to uphold. There are three issues we discuss the most which are the government, the student, and the teacher. In John Taylor Gatto 's essay “Against School”, we see the inside perspective of the educational system from the view of a teacher. In “I Just Wanna Be Average”, an essay written by Mike Rose, we hear a student 's experience of being in a vocational class in the lower level class in the educational system when he was supposed to be in the higher class. Both Gatto and Rose give their opinions on how the educational system is falling apart. Today the government is only trying to get students to pass, making it hard for teachers to teach what they want. Students are affected everyday by the school system. They sit there - bored - and do not think that the teachers care, making the
Neill, Monty. "The No Child Left Behind Act Is Not Improving Education." Education: Opposing Viewpoints. New York: Greenhaven, 2005. 162-68. Print.
In conclusion, the Academic Achievement has been fueled by society's presets, minority students' lack of effort, and the failures of the schooling system in America. There has been some challenging setbacks, but the Gap can be fixed to create a common ground for all prospective members of America's society to excel on equally. By realizing that change can be achieved, there are little to no limits for minority students to create a better mindset towards education. Students, parents, and teachers have to be willing to work together, as well as tackle obstacles upheld by society, and the economic deficiencies that effect schools across America. This will, in turn, take America one step closer to closing the Academic Achievement Gap in America.
It is safe to say that the current education system in the United States does not help create a good workforce, it does not help students meet their goals and it does not do a good job in creating good citizens. The current education system is not able to do this because not everyone is about to get a higher education, it is not practical, and a college education and grades are not good factors/indicators in determining a person’s success. Yes, the education system is better here than in other areas, but there are a few things that need to be worked on.
The U.S. education system is a flawed one, but not many people like to think about that. After all, we are America, “the best country in the world”, some would say. How can we be the best while simultaneously admitting our flaws? Our test scores are behind those of other countries, on top of the fact that students in U.S. classrooms are simply not learning at the level they should be. That is where it is important to take a step back and examine our country’s education system at a deeper level, just as Amanda Ripley does in her book, The Smartest Kids in the World. She gets the first-person perspectives from the students themselves, asking them the difficult question of “If you don’t understand something, what do you do?” She then adds, “In
Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, the American educational system has undergone much transition in response to our changing society. Though there have been many problems raised throughout the years in regard to what our school systems should be teaching our children, there have also been many developments.
The United States has proven to be a world leader with their powerful military, democratic government, and stringent foreign policies. There is one category however, the United States struggles to be number one in, education. As shocking as this may sound, the public school system in America is not superior to other developing countries. I have witnessed this scandalous phenomena firsthand, engrossed in the public school system from kindergarten to freshman year of high school. The student body and the school administration is morphing into a nonproductive system with a zombie-like attitude. American students lack academic drive and curiosity compared to European and Asian countries because the standard for academic success is constantly lowered. Americans must reform the school system and change their perspective on how important an education is to the rest of the world.
America. The land of opportunities and dreams. Where people simply gets only the best quality and nothing less. After all it is America. The only problem is, this is all a illusion. A illusion that covers up the fact that America has fallen off top ten on the Education Ranking Chart and hit its all time low. This should not be a surprise to many considering the American education system is as broken as its politics. So how can we as a nation help rebuild our education system and make it great again? Simple. Push schools to start later and provide smaller classrooms. Even though having school starting later will cause delayment in afterschool activities and having smaller classrooms might cost more money, the overall benefit of children improvement
Pressures on children in today’s society are a problem that is becoming more evident in academics as parents and teachers put more and more emphasis on these children to outperform their classmates, stress in the child’s life becomes an interfering problem (Anxiety.org, 2011 Weissbourd, 2011,). From preschool children to college adults, pressure to execute academic perfection extends across all areas of curriculum. In our highly competitive, American society, emphasis placed on academic achievement has never been so intense (Anxiety.org, 2011, Beilock, 2011). This need to be the best, fueled by our culture in America, has created a social force affecting education, a force to be reckoned with at that. Too often, parents and teachers sacrifice their chil...
Are schools really helping students? Many feel that american education systems is a model of success, compared to the education system of finlen ,the american system is in dire need of reform. America schools need to stop with all the standardized test. Schools need to make the school day not as long . They also need to have teachers make learning more interesting.
Throughout a child’s school years, parents tend to push for them to be a flawless, well-behaved student who has all A’s, never gets their color pulled, has a four point zero grade point average, and graduating top of their class. As perfect as this sounds, not every child can accomplish this, and parents are not always as realistic as they should be when thinking about this. Every child is different; therefore, their goals and successes will be different. Statistics show that parents feel that they are actually not putting enough pressure on their children to do well in school. But from a child’s view, statistics show that children believe
The school system in the United States has been looking to improve its educational system in recent years to try to get up in the ranks of South Korea, Japan, Finland, and even the United Kingdom. What other way to improve the schooling system in the United States is to look at the schooling system in the country that does it much differently than the one the United States has right now. That country is Finland. Finland has outstanding scores and literacy rates in the country and uses a school system completely different than the ones used around the world. With the United States’ struggle for rebuilding their outdated and doddery education system, it seems looking to Finland is a great option
Are the new standards and expectations the world has for teenagers really creating monsters? The amount of stress that is put on students these days between trying to balance school, homework, extra curricular activities, social lives, sleep and a healthy lifestyle is being considered as a health epidemic (Palmer, 2005). Students are obsessing over getting the grades that are expected of them to please those that push them, and in return, lose sleep and give up other aspects of their lives that are important to them such as time with friends and family as well as activities that they enjoy. The stress that they endure from the pressures of parents, teachers, colleges, and peers have many physical as well as mental effects on every student, some more harmful than others. The extreme pressure on students to get perfect grades so that they will be accepted into a college has diminished the concept of actually learning and has left the art of “finagling the system” in order to succeed in its place (Palmer, 2005). There are many ways that should be implemented in order to reduce the stress on students so that they can thrive because, withoutthem, the school systems will only be creating generations of stressed out, materialistic, and miseducated students (Palmer, 2005).