The American Dream: A Hope For A Better Life

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Chilling wind blows through the naked forest, singing a howl fit for wolves and caressing our skin in an icy embrace. To escape the demanding need of the wind, my family huddles closer to the campfire’s warm flames and thus begins my favorite part of camping. In a husky tone, my father talks of his plans for the future. “I want something like this when we can buy our own place. I want nature to surround us! We’ll have…” and my mind wanders into the life he paints so clearly with his words. A dream that seems so simple to achieve due to its sincerity, because it is a dream of a better life for my family and not a dream born of selfishness orampant fantasy. This moment, with my dad speaking softly by the roasting logs, is the purest example of the American dream: a hope for a better life. …show more content…

In the fires of the revolutionary spirit and the lives of the colonials who fought and died wearing threadbare clothes in the winter cold, forged the American dream into an impregnable weapon of hope that still affects us three centuries later. The American Revolution, men and women sacrificed their lives for the dream of something more, a better life, filled with what they chose. The wish to choose one’s own life has always been the hope of mankind, however, America became the first country to make this dream, not a fairytale, but a concrete option. And as the revolutionaries were inspired to make their dream a reality through the powerful ideas of Enlightenment, we, the citizens and prospective citizens of America, are inspired by the dream they were able to achieve in one

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