The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian

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In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, Grandmother Spirit teaches the entire tribe about tolerance, which is what she represents. Before Grandmother Spirit’s funeral, Junior was not treated like a member of the tribe because they thought he was a traitor for going to a white school off the reservation. The last time the tribe gathered together, at a basketball game, Junior ended up in the hospital. However, at the funeral, they put aside differences to be one community. Two thousand Indians laughed at the same time… It was the most glorious noise I’d ever heard...When it comes to death, we know that laughter and tears are pretty much the same thing… Each funeral was a funeral for all of us. We lived and died …show more content…

She believes in community, and although she’s gone, her values thrive. Also, the quote “we lived and died together” connects to a cartoon of the doorway to heaven that’s welcoming Grandmother Spirit (please refer to appendix a). It depicts a threshold, which symbolizes an area that’s not in or out. This proves how she’s like a ghost, or Spirit, because that means being in-between alive and dead. However, because “each funeral was a funeral for all of us,” Grandmother Spirit’s death affects every member of the community, which is another reason why Junior uses the word “we” so often to describe death. So with Grandmother Spirit’s funeral, Junior is not only accepted but he appreciates his Indian community because they all mourn …show more content…

It’s symbolic that Junior is rising above Rowdy; Rowdy isn’t nomadic, and knows he will always stay on the rez. But Junior is the opposite and is aware that staying on the rez would kill him both emotionally and physically. So when Junior is rising above Rowdy, he also is rising above the limitations set because of living on the rez. Before Junior was hopeful about his future, Rowdy always beat him when they played against each other on the rez, because there he was treated like a nobody. This is significant because it proves how Junior’s hope relies on expectations, so with encouragement for him to go to Reardan and not be a quitter from people like Grandmother Spirit, he

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