Brown v. Board: Impact and Evolution of American Education

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“IT IS NO ACCIDENT that the pivotal Supreme Court decision launching the modern civil rights movement was an education case -- the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka ruling. IN MANY WAYS, the drive to end segregated education and to put African American and white children in the same classrooms was the most radical and potentially far-reaching aspect of the civil rights movement” (ww.civil And since this time the faces of the classroom have changed and been redefined. Students of all races, language backgrounds and learning abilities create a classroom of learners like never before. But, often the impact of the 1954 ruling was questioned because many wondered were all students in a better position now? It wasn’t until 2002 under NCLB that schools now mandated all schools must prove that infact all students were offered the same education. “Under the 2002 law, states are required to test students in reading and math in grades 3–8 and once in high school. All students are expected to meet or exceed state standards in reading and math by 2014” ( Unfortunately, …show more content…

Also, an overall respect for the unique cultural and language differences can change a reluctant student into one that feels he/she belongs. And most important of all teachers need to have the highest of expectations for all students and promote grit and talent development rather than have low expectations that make a students feel they are inferior. And finally teachers need to avoid the stereotype threat. And in order to, “prevent or remedy stereotype threat, teachers must be careful never to express the belief that certain skills are easier or harder for certain people, and should give all students opportunities to shine and show leadership in all types of tasks (

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