Textual Analysis Of Macbeth

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MacBeth Analysis

While it was difficult at times to decide what to include in our adaption of Macbeth, we really wanted to include only the most important scenes in each act. For Act I, there were many different scenes we wanted to include, because Act I contained a lot of the introduction to the rest of the film. This includes the scenes with the witches, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth’s main interactions, and the decision to kill Duncan. These scenes are all integral to the play. We included all scenes in Act II, except for scene 4. We thought that, while the rest of the scenes had key information, scene 4 could be incorporated into Act III. For Act III we included scenes 1 and 3, which contained Macbeth’s kingship and the murder of Banquo. We …show more content…

We tried to include a line that would fit in with the rest of the script, and a line that wouldn’t be out of place compared to the rest of our adaption. In the first act, we included a line from the seventh scene, spoken by Macbeth during a soliloquy: “If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly”. We chose to include this line because it shows Macbeth’s hesitant side, and it is a good representation of what type of person he was at the beginning of the play, compared to the end. In the second act, we included a line from Lady MacBeth: “Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done't”. Similar reasoning to the first quote we chose, this line shows shows that Lady Macbeth has a heart, but it still reveals the evil that she contains. The quote is important in understanding how Lady Macbeth acts as the mastermind. For the third act, we chose a quote that reveals the extent of MacBeth's hallucinations when seeing Banquo's ghost: “Never shake thy gory locks at me!”. This quote shows how crazy Macbeth has become in his quest to become king, and how paranoid he is. For Act IV, we included a quote the witches say while giving Macbeth his prophecies: “Come high or low; Thyself and office deftly show.”. This line shows the power that the witches have over Macbeth, and the mystery of their craft. In the last act, we chose to include the line: “I …show more content…

The film terms we incorporated were very helpful, and we felt that they really made a difference. Most of our scenes were filmed in shorter takes, rather than doing long takes. Not all of our takes were the same, though. To amp up the drama in certain scenes, we used close-ups. We felt that close-ups captured the importance of scenes that had multiple people, but where a conversation between two specific people was most important. Close-ups also really enhanced our soliloquies. Besides close-ups, most of our scenes were shot using medium shots. Shooting our scenes like this was the most logical, due to the fact that all of our group members varied in height. Shooting it like this allowed all actors to be seen. In terms of lighting, our group felt that darker lighting set the somber mood that MacBeth displays. The lighting was light enough to see the faces of the actors, and also dark enough to seem creepy and off-balance. All of these details in camera setup and lighting really helped to add significance to our

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