Texting Impact On Literacy

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With the uprising of unique and different forms of communication that technology has popularized comes a debatable controversy on what effect these new digital mediums have on literacy and our daily lives. Texting can lead to declining language and grammar skills, according to researchers. Text messaging has also begun to have an inimical effect on people’s writing skills, and also an indispensable part of our lives; it has developed very expeditiously throughout the world, it is also one of the world’s primary sources of communication. Texting can cause various complications in a student's ability: to conjure proper vocabulary, spell, write and socialize.
Texting is defined as the use of abbreviations and other techniques to craft messages sent through the cell phone. Texting does not always follow the customary rules of English grammar, nor usual colloquy spellings. It is a contemplated act of a compendious electronic message between two or more mobile phones or fixed portable devices. The new revolutionary form of communication with technology has introduced comes a debate on what effect these new digital mediums have on literacy. “Adolescents who live in an age of digital communication have taken on a new importance and prominent role in the way they socialize, share information, and structure their communication” (Sweeny 121). Jacobs renounces that the literature authenticates that literacy practices such as IM’s are “part of unsettled relationships between in- and out-of-school literacies as well as between typographic literacies and the digital literacies.” (Jacobs 204). Just as our technology expands in the new generation of technology, literacy and grammar has also taken a big change as well. Many students of the new gen...

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...so states that, “Technology has changed the way we communicate, transformed the way awe work, and shifted our economy into an information-based, service economy” (Sweeny 122).
Although texting can be both benefitting and detrimental to a student’s health, in a world that is rapidly changing with new innovative technology, students and teachers should all get accustomed to digital communication. An exploration of new literacy’s necessitates a concise look at past practices and conceptualizations of literacy in juxtaposition with current definitions to pose a rational for the infusion of new literacy’s into our educational practices. Young adults should attain and require the knowledge to control their habits of using the “text messaging languages” and teachers should accommodate to undergo their student’s literate abilities and critique their literacy accordingly.

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