Texting And Driving Creative Writing

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Beep, beep, beep!! “Ugh, why is my alarm so annoying.” I looked over at my berry blue clock that read, four thirty. All I wanted to do was sleep. Every time I go in his car I worry, why does he drive like that? The thought cleared my mind and I stumbled out of bed to get ready. I picked out my favorite Nike tennis shoes, my blue shirt, leggings and my white headband, I never left my house without it. While I was waiting for Noah, I had Cheerios for breakfast. “Are you ready to go?” my older brother Noah bellowed from upstairs. My stomach growled with fear. I was not sure whether to proceed or stay, but I wanted perfect attendance. “Yes…” I struggled to get into his Jeep Cherokee, the same jeep in which he texts while driving, the same Jeep …show more content…

A new day also means I have to ride with Noah. I face 15 minutes of utter fear every day. I don’t fear the car, I fear the driver, I looked over at Noah and he is texting and driving. I asked him to put his awfully distracting phone away, but he just turned up the music louder, and louder, and louder.. He races- one last car- and he snapchats one last friend. We dramatically increased speed. Then my world froze. We hit something- something big, something very big. My body flipped and twisted until I could feel no more. I couldn't see Noah, all I saw was my world turned upside down, in that cursed Cherokee Jeep, on the side of Interstate 99. Where is Noah, I can’t see him, I don’t hear him. I try to call his name but no noise came out of my mouth. I tried, and tried, and tried again, nothing, silence. I saw the cars pass me as I was on the ground; my ears were ringing and in the distance. I heard sirens. My head hurts, its beating-bad, one hundred wrecking balls hitting my head at once. I slowly moved my hand up to my forehead, it is wet, sticky, what is it? I move my hand once more to check it out. Blood. I don’t like blood, it scares me, I even …show more content…

What’s that over there? Why is it so bright? Why are so many people touching me? I needed to know, where am I? I called out for help but no one responded. Again. Again. I started hitting my legs on the bed, wailing until I got someone's attention. A woman in a coat as white as paper came over to me and in a sweet voice she vocalized, “Hello Emma, my name is Dr. Copley. You and your brother Noah got in a car crash earlier today. You crashed into a semi truck on the way to school and, unfortunately, Noah did not make it. You do not have life-threatening injuries, but you have brain damage in the left interior of your brain. This causes you to be mute. You cannot speak and you will have to stay in rehab here at Lankenau Medical Center. Please nod if you understand.” I nodded, but I didn't understand. Why did this happen? Why do I have to learn how to live again? It has taken me 15 years to fulfill life and now I have to start from the beginning. I was going to see Will today, I was going to tell him my real feelings, but instead I end up with no brother, no car, and no voice. I can't speak, the words sunk into my soul but I could not express them. I wanted my life to be taken. I am not ready for this challenge and I don’t want to try. Not now, not

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