Texas Political Culture

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Throughout society people have continued to question what is right or wrong based off their values, beliefs, and experiences. Most people strive to improve their lives by effectively making decisions that serve their best interest; in hopes of seeking happiness in the long run. Although there may be the occasional moment of downfalls in the stream of life, as humans we recognize our mistakes and choose to move forward with new ideas that will be beneficial to ourselves and the people encompassing us. Significantly, this rationale is seen throughout the United States government system. When it comes to looking through the glass eye of high authority figures one must revoke his or her beliefs and views to figure out what could bring value to …show more content…

The political culture of Texas specifically, shapes the politics of the state by having a mutual agreement or understanding with its people. The people of the state are still subjective; fixated on what makes a favorable society, and their particular stances on political beliefs. Anthony Champagne and Edward J. Harpham, in “Governing Texas” assert, “Much of Texas’s history has been shaped by the relationship forged by the people and its land” (7). Showing the strong connection of the people of Texas to their land and higher authority figures shows how political culture here can positively influence the outcome of politics. Champagne and Harpham continue to address a pattern known as “provincialism” that once defined Texas political culture he expresses, “The growing influence of minorities, women, and gays in state politics and the ongoing urbanization of the state have undercut provincialism”(6). Texas political culture continues to transition, creating constant change as population increases, and more citizens become involved. Ties between business and political leaders in Texas have always been strong, affirming that Texas establishes boundless relationships and support with its people. Although things may be dynamically changing politically, Texas continues to stay strong in its political culture. Rather than being tied down to a limited government it chooses to expand and undercut ideas that no longer work. Ultimately political culture of Texas shapes the politics of the state by giving the people in Texas personal autonomy and individual

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