Testimonial 1: Jabrina, Middle School, Hard-Of-Hearing

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Deaf Culture Response Paper Testimonial #1 (Jabrina – Middle School – Hard-of-Hearing) Summary Jabrina is a Middle School student who is hard-of-hearing. She attends a private school and lives in the dorm. Jabrina states that she feels more independent at her private school verses attending a public school. Her plans for the future include attending college and pursuing a degree in the field of fashion design. The advice she gives to other hard-of-hearing students is to have confidence in yourself and respect other people. The two specific challenges Jabrina mentioned were the drive-through at fast food restaurants and meeting new people. She states the challenge with meeting new people is it is hard for her to understand them, especially …show more content…

She seems to be coping well with her challenges by using technology, sign language, and interpreters. In addition, Jabrina keeps a full time schedule at school, along with social activities after school. In my previous employment, I encountered two students who were both hard-of-hearing. They each used lip reading as their main method of communicating along with gesturing. The students were very positive, and like Jabrina, both students had goals of attending college. Testimonal #2 (Julian – High School Senior – Deaf) …show more content…

He has addressed the challenges in his life by staying positive and setting goals. He maintains a full time college schedule, participates in the work study program and has an after school job. He is very organized with his schedule and makes time for an active social life with his friends. He stated that he feels very independent. The request he made of hearing people was that he wanted them to recognize him as a person who wanted to succeed in life even though he could not hear. I appreciate Detoine’s testimonial of his experiences due to I have not personally encountered someone who is

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