Test Anxiety: Are Students Failing Students?

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Casual Analysis In every school in America, they have standardized testing. In grades 3-8 students must take a test that grades not just the student but the teacher as well. These tests let the boards and government know if the teacher is teaching the student the right things, curriculum based on the test. If schools don’t test right it can be horrible for them, they can lose funding. The push for standardized testing and having severe consequences if the schools fall below a certain range, it puts pressure and anxiety on the teachers and students can affect their grades and performance on the tests. Teachers come into a classroom with a strict set of rules and instead of teaching a curriculum of projects and material that will keep students …show more content…

If schools fall below a certain range they can lose funding. Sadker and Zittleman write in Test Anxiety: Are Students Failing Tests -- Or Are Tests Failing Students? “Every third-through eighth-grader in U.S. public schools must be tested in reading and math -- with science testing to follow in 2008 -- and poor performance means severe penalties for students, teachers, and schools.” This can cause teachers to panic over making sure that the students know the importance of these tests and this can then cause students to stress and have anxiety over what they will make on it, some students may have learning disabilities and can’t test well and this can make them anxious over a test. “Using the same tests for all students -- those in tony schools and those in dilapidated ones -- is grossly unfair. Creating identical expectations for all students places the poorer ones at a distinct disadvantage. Students of color, students with disabilities, English-language learners, and low-income students are failing state graduation tests at rates as high as 60% to 90%, leaving them to face bleak futures” (Sadker, Zittleman, …show more content…


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