Terminally Ill Patient Decision Making

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We often ask, “What is the right thing to do?” when it comes to decision-making whether deciding for another or for one’s self. When making the decision for another we must apply our own moral and spiritual beliefs and life experiences to arrive at a decision we feel to be correct. Further more, we must try to understand his or her beliefs and consider of what the dying person may have wanted as a wish or will. The decision-making involving life and death is probably the most difficult task for any of us. Often physician required participating in decision-making regarding his/her patient. [1] In terminally ill patients case, the role of physicians is to facilitate an open discussion about the patient’s treatment plan, preferred medical care …show more content…

Under section 151 states “every one who is unable to provide himself or herself with necessaries is under a legal duty to provide that person with necessities of life” and if any one fail to do so will be charge as crimes against the person. The physician has a duty to provide the infant with necessaries of life, which withdrew the life support, is an action of a lack of duty and it is a crime against the patient. Further more, under section 158, 163 and 167 state killing of a human being by any means or by influence on the mind and also accelerate of a person’s death by any method is defined as homicide and murder. Again, the removal of a patient’s life support could result in death, which is an action of homicide and murder although the physician good intension is to provide the best option for the patient and to free the patient from an agonal pain. [3] [4] However, the Bill of Rights 1990 would relieve the guilt on the physician. Under section 8, 9 and 11 states “ any one has right not to deprive of life, right not to be subjected to torture or cruel treatment and a right to refuse to undergo medical treatment.” The treatment for infant was futile and would have against the human right of life if the treatment plan has continued therefore the best option was to withdraw the treatment. [3]

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