Tension In Hemmingway's Hills Like White Elephants

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In the story “Hills like White Elephants” it does not matter in which perspective you want to read the story, it will always conclude that these two characters are in different sides of perspective in a situation. Without doubt, Hemmingway’s “Hills like White Elephants” illustrates a tension of a juvenile American and the uprising maturity of the girl. That is to say, Hemmingway has left a series of symbols and metaphors in order to explain this tension between them, for example, shade, train station, nature and much more. Hemmingway has left us clear that there is a time of transition and decision making, “On this side there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines of rails in the sun... the express from Barcelona would …show more content…

I just meant the coloring of their skin through the trees.” “Should we have another drink?”” To explain, the girl on her sentence it can be observed how the girl have a mental battle of whether keep or not to keep the baby. On the other hand, The American does not care what is going through the mind of the girl since he rapidly changed the subject without giving it attention by offering her a drink in exchange of her silence, guiding the reader that The American is a selfish person that only thinks for himself and everything that can ruin his debauchery it should be set aside, in this case kill the baby. In the text are even more evidence of the selfish attitude of The American, “If you don’t want to you don’t have to.” (256). This juvenile attitude taken by The American is product of his desperation to convince the girl to take the abortion, moreover, this manipulative argument that he applied it does not only expresses his desperation, it also expresses his lack of love to the girl. In this story is very important to understand how elements synchronize together with a character to deliver a message, making a clear connection between shade and shallowness of The

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