Television Talk Shows
The United States’ longest running program is actually a news/talk show called Meet the Press. It began as a radio program in 1945, and had little changes when it was aired on NBC for the first half-hour television broadcast in November 1947. Meet the Press May have been the first talk show to be shown on television, but it wasn’t the first regularly scheduled talk show. Sylvester Weaver produced the first regularly programmed talk show called Broadway Open House from May 1950 to August 1951. Two Veteran Jerry Lester and Morey Amsterdam, who were stand up comedians, shared the hosting duties for this talk/variety program. Broadway Open House was a mixture of routines, singing, dancing and comedy, which would start a trend of new talk shows to soon follow. The Tonight Show staring Johnny Carson, which premiered October 1, 1962, was one of those shows that followed Broadway Open House. With Johnny’s little competition, appearing on his show became one of the first big breaks for many upcoming stars on the road of fame and fortune. His show became so big that Johnny negotiated a deal with NBC to give him 2 million dollars per year, while his taping schedule included twelve weeks of four shows weekly, twenty-five weeks of only three shows a week, and fifteen weeks of vacation. Some of the stars that made got their start on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson were people like Jerry Seinfield, Roseanne, and Gary Shandling. When Johnny Carson decided to retire, his show was given to comedian Jay Leno, making The Tonight Show one of the greatest and longest running shows ever.
Early Morning Talk Shows
A typical morning for most Americans consists of eating a hearty breakfast, drin...
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Larry King Live Retrieved October 29, 2001 from the World Wide Web:
Scott, Gini, Graham. (1996) Can we Talk? The Power and Influence of Talk Shows. New
York: Plenum Press.
Survey. “Reason for Watching Talk Shows.” Nov. 1, 2001.
Survey. “Talk Shows Watched by Students.” Nov.1 2001.
Studios USA(2001). Report: Maury Povich. Nov. 1, 2001. Retrieved from the World
Wide Web:http//
The Rosie O’Donnell Show. Oct. 20, 2001. Retrieved from the World Wide Web:
Tolson, Andrew. (Eds.). (2001). Television Talk Shows. New Jersey, Mahwah:
Lawrence Erlbaum.
T.V. Talk Shows( 2001). Report: Research on T.V. Talk Shows. Oct. 18, 2001.
Retrieved from the World Wide Web:
If T.V. news or radio have morphed into reality shows, then it is only a reflection of the viewers. As a former news reporter, the author should understand that the success
American Dad! Season 3: Episode 12 – at the beginning of the episode (1:04-1:11), Roger, a character on the show, responds to Coffee pal’s recent incentive – the new Pumpkin Amaretto Cream! He eagerly embraces the exciting new flavor, and adds it to his coffee.
By 1958, no one was laughing anymore. Grabbing the attention of the public even more than the shows themselves were the scandals which emerged around them. The public's naive trust had evolved into suspicious cynicism because it had learned that many of the shows were rigged. As can be imagined, this caused great disgust among viewers. The supposed winners, for whom Americans had ro...
Most people believe that one man-made natural disaster would teach us to be better, but we have learned that history repeats itself. The Exxon Valdez oil spill (in 1989) and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, or BP oil spill, (in 2010) were both devastating oil spills that shocked the nation. The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred due to a tanker grounding. The BP oil spill was caused by an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform. These two oil spills were both disasters and had greater effects in certain categories. In this essay, I will be comparing the cause of both oil spills, the damage/effect of both oil spills, and the cleanup of each oil spill.
We like to label things in our culture. Those over the age of 65 are called senior citizens. Those under the age of 18 are called children. Anyone falling in between those ages are considered adults and there are certain expectations placed on that demographic. Adults are the backbone of society, responsible for basically just about everything. Television reflects that responsibility, as adults are usually portrayed as hard-working, career-oriented, and often married and raising children. With television reinforcing these expectations, many young people have probably felt that they need to grow into these roles and become responsible adults. A decade ago, however, NBC’s sitcom Seinfeld debuted challenging these social preconceptions of what an adult should be.
Last year, news spread of an oil spill off the Gulf Coast. These events occur periodically and usually register much media attention. As British Petroleum (BP) executives could not shut off the crude oil or prevent the damage it caused, people took notice. Millions of dollars in tourism, commerce and sales were lost. Thousands of wildlife acres and ecosystems were also compromised. There were more questions than answers.
Harrison, Elliot. "Joe Montana, Tom Brady Head 'Greatest QB of All Time' Bracket." N.p., 27 Mar. 2014. Web. 06 May 2014
Television has affected every aspect of life in society, radically changing the way individuals live and interact with the world. However, change is not always for the better, especially the influence of television on political campaigns towards presidency. Since the 1960s, presidential elections in the United States were greatly impacted by television, yet the impact has not been positive. Television allowed the public to have more access to information and gained reassurance to which candidate they chose to vote for. However, the media failed to recognize the importance of elections. Candidates became image based rather than issue based using a “celebrity system” to concern the public with subjects regarding debates (Hart and Trice). Due to “hyperfamiliarity” television turned numerous people away from being interested in debates between candidates (Hart and Trice). Although television had the ability to reach a greater number of people than it did before the Nixon/Kennedy debate, it shortened the attention span of the public, which made the overall process of elections unfair, due to the emphasis on image rather than issue.
...0). Traditional newscasts are not only dumbing down and sensationalizing the news to bring more interest into their programming, but this can be detrimental to the political process. The Daily Show is uses comedy to show the ridiculousness of the political world and news media for his viewers to take politics seriously (Hariman, 2007). The Daily Show has been awarded with prestigious awards, such as two Peabody Awards, 18 Primetime Emmys, a Television Critics Association Award, and also a Grammy Award. (Feldman, 2007). It can be said, entertainment based shows can have the potential to not only educate, but entertaining as well. Today’s generation have grown up in a world where the distinction between of entertainment and news shows have been obscured, The Daily Show has proven the televisions shows can provide the public with entertaining political information.
"Winfrey, Oprah." Television in American Society Reference Library. Ed. Laurie Collier Hillstrom and Allison McNeill. Vol. 2: Biographies. Detroit: UXL, 2007. 187-194. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 5 May 2014.
In 1995, an important event marked a victory for the national GreenPeace organization, and for humans alike. The Brent Spar oil installation was not allowed to be dumped into the ocean. The importance of this decision lied in the fact that there were over 600 oil installations that would someday expire just as the Brent Spar had. When the decision was made to not allow the dumping, it set a precident that the other installations would not be allowed to be dumped, either.
Naomi Klein’s article “After the Spill” in the January 2011 edition of Nation magazine discusses a scientific excursion by boat in the northern section of the Gulf of Mexico. According to David Hollander, the marine geochemist from the University of South Florida, the trip’s purpose was to go “fishing for oil” and, if oil was present, to assess its effect on the water and marine life in the Gulf of Mexico (Klein 12).
International trading has had its delays and road blocks, which has created a number of problems for countries around the world. Countries, fighting with one another to get the better deal, create tariffs and taxes to maximize their profit. This fighting leads to bad relationships with competing countries, and the little producing countries get the short end of this stick. Regulations and organizations have been established to help everyone get the best deal, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), but not everyone wants help, especially from an organization that seems to help only the big countries and those they want to trade with. This paper will be discussing international trading with emphasis on national sovereignty, the World Trade Organization, and how the WTO impacts trading countries.
From the beginning days of the printing press to the always evolving internet of present day, the media has greatly evolved and changed over the years. No one can possibly overstate the influential power of the new media of television on the rest of the industry. Television continues to influence the media, which recently an era of comedic television shows that specialize in providing “fake news” has captivated. The groundbreaking The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and its spin-off The Colbert Report have successfully attracted the youth demographic and have become the new era’s leading political news source. By parodying news companies and satirizing the government, “fake news” has affected the media, the government, and its audience in such a way that Bill Moyers has claimed “you simply can’t understand American politics in the new millennium without The Daily Show,” that started it all (PBS).
Television comedies have been on the air for decades, and throughout this time many different shows have come and gone. Due to the dominance of these shows, comedies are one of the biggest draws on television. There are many different types of comedies, each with their own unique characteristics and features that differentiate them from others and lead to their popularity. Whether the show is a sketch comedy, sitcom, mockumentary or dramatic comedy, each utilizes different types of humour, locations, themes, and situations to appeal to the audience; which is likely why they are so popular today.