Teenagers Today Lack Moral Values and Self-Discipline

653 Words2 Pages

Teenagers Today Lack Moral Values and Self-Discipline

Moral values and graciousness, in the past, were prominent in most

teenagers. Majority of the youths then learnt respect, courtesy,

consideration, decency, propriety, honesty and righteousness from a

young age, and had enough self-discipline to hold to these values.

However, these moral values and self-discipline are slowly diminishing

over the years, as most of the younger generation are gradually

disregarding these ethics. The listed values have slowly faded away,

as they mean little to these adolescents, as moral values and

self-discipline are on the verge of disappearing.

This lack of self-discipline and self-control is becoming more and

more apparent over time. However, this situation is not to be taken

lightly as the younger generation is the future of our nation. Even

the simplest of morals like, respect, care and consideration are

slowly fading away over the years. A simple display of respect like

offering the elderly a seat on the bus is being replaced by scenarios

of students competing with them for seats. Instead of showing the

principles of care and concern, several youngsters even engage in

decadent behaviour by taking pleasure in inflicting torture upon less

able people. As fewer people lack the morality to help the needy, even

Community Involvement Projects have to be forced upon students.

The masses of the youths today have little regard for moral values. As

society is under the more ‘open-minded’ western influence, many teens

are just blindly following trends, placing peer pressure and the

desire to fit in over their own moral values. One example is the fact


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...f the essay, by reorganizing the points, and

adding in more relevant information. The conclusion was thus changed

to suit the body of the essay.

Firstly, I learnt to change my assumptions. I made a lot of false

assumptions in the first draft. However, I learnt to change my

assumptions, especially general implications. Instead of sentences

like ‘morals have slowly faded away’, I used ‘MAJORITY of the morals

are slowly fading away’. This prevents the essay from being overly


Secondly, I learnt to use a wider vocabulary. Instead of the constant

use of ‘teenagers’ so often, I learnt to use synonyms to replace those

words to increase the sophistication of the essay.

Lastly, I learnt how to constructively criticize my essays by picking

out the pros and cons of each essay, and using them to my advantage.

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