Teen Suicide

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Suicides are one of the leading causes of teen deaths in today’s society. The thought of one ending his or her life is developing in the minds of teenagers around the globe. “To kill oneself as a means of escape from poverty or disappointed love, or bodily or mental anguish, is the deed of coward rather than a brave man, because to run away from trouble is a form of cowardice. While it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill” (Marcovitz 17). There are many reasons to why a person may put his life at risk, such as depression, stress, loss of a loved one, or being bullied. Suicide is rising all over the world and needs to be looked at as a worldwide threat. Globally, the rate of teen suicide rises daily; therefore, many precautions such as therapy, antidepressants, and suicide hotlines prevent such a tragedy from occurring. Although some teens commit suicide without giving any warning ahead of time, most say or do things that warn people of their intentions to take their own lives (Parks 63). There are various warning signs that someone may give. Such signs may include sudden lost in appetite, hopelessness, or persistent sadness. The way teens act at school and home can sometimes indicate depression (Galas 8). When being depressed, this can cause people to drink or do drugs. Many teens choose alcohol or drugs for a way to commit suicide (Galas 8). When intoxicated or under the influence, the thought of suicide may become more vivid and can lead to the situation actually taking place (Galas 67). Alcohol and certain drugs can calm the body down and relax the muscles. Some people believe that such substances such as alcohol and drugs can increase the suicidal thoughts within ... ... middle of paper ... ...tter and it is never a good idea to attempt suicide because it has more of an effect on friends and family rather than the victim himself. Therefore, individuals should become more aware of the causes and effects of suicide, so they can be more vigilant in helping out others who might be suffering silently. Works Cited Galas, Judith. Teen Suicide. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc, 1994. Print. Marcovitz, Hal. Suicide. Edina: ABDO Publishing Company, 2010. Print. Marcovitz, H. Teens & Suicide. Stockton: OTTN Publishing, 2004. Print. Parks, Peggy J. Teenage Suicide. San Diego: ReferencePoint Press, 2012. Print. Schleifer, Jay. Everything You Need To Know About Teen Suicide. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, INC, 1991. Print. “Suicide and it’s Prevention” Depression. Twenty First Century Books Medical Library. Millbrook Press. Inc. 2001. Web. 07 Nov. 2013. 6pp.

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