Teen Sexting Research Paper

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Sexting Nearly a third of teens don’t realize the consequences or legal ramification of their actions of sexting (Lohmann). Sexting is becoming a much bigger issue today due to the increase of technology. In today’s society, teens are unaware of the negative consequences associated with sexting. Nearly 20-30% of teens have sent and/or received a sext by anyone. Sexting is “the sending, receiving, or forwarding sexual photos or sexually suggestive messages through text message or email.” Some materials that are considering sexting are drawings, videos, or photographs. The age that teens tend to be sexting is between fifteen and seventeen but decreases when they turn eighteen or older. Females are asked to sext more then males do. The word “sext” is the idea of exchanging or recording sexual material. (Lohmann) Sexting has many personal consequences, it’s not always about the law. It can take a toll on the person, especially if it backfired or if the photo gets in the wrong hand. Teens don't realize that is wrong for what they are doing, they think they’ll never get caught. Sometimes it can lead to bullying for the teen who was …show more content…

From there, I decided to go to browse issues to try to pick a topic to do my research on. I first decided to do cyberbullying but realized there weren't a lot of good articles, I ended up deciding to do my research on sexting. It was more interesting for me to learn about sexting. I also went to google and searched sexting articles to find facts about the consequences of sexting. I choose these articles for my research because they had many interesting facts and studying about the topic. It also made me more interested in what I was reading. I wasn't aware of how serious sexting was until I did research on it. Now that I know about it, we need to put a stop to it. It’s a no laughing matter

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