Most people think of pregnancy as being an exciting moment in life to experience the joy of parenthood. Parenthood is something that all committed married couples look forward to and hope for. This concept is usually thought of by adults that can manage to support a family and acquires a strong partnership with a lifetime companion. Commitment is one of the key concepts to successfully raising a child. However, this exciting news turns into a tragedy for an unexperienced teenager undergoing pregnancy. Teens are unstable for providing an adequate environment for a newborn and lack the skill of being a caretaker. It makes it challenging for teens to incorporate a baby in their life while going through school, experiencing maturity, and dealing with relationship difficulties. Most teen parents have to cope with raising a newborn on their own because of the other parent still being too immature to take on a parent role. Adolescents are not use to having the responsibility of looking after another human being because they only had themselves to take care of. At this age, teens are planning to have a bright future that includes college and other amazing opportunities instead of preparing for parenthood. The experiences of raising a child are unusual to teens and changes occur that effects not only their life but society as well.
Admittedly, adolescents face difficult experiences when they are declared pregnant. Pregnancy not only puts a strain on the teen but it also effects the family. Families have a hard time accepting the fact that when their teenager becomes pregnant their life goals are postponed. According to Corcoran in Benson’s article, prior research illustrates that pregnant teens perceive high levels of family dysfunctional...
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...nancy: Parents, Teens, And Families." Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal 21.5 (2004): 435-455. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.
Bissell, Mary. "Socio-Economic Outcomes Of Teen Pregnancy And Parenthood: A Review Of The Literature."Canadian Journal Of Human Sexuality 9.3 (2000): 191. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.
Bowman, Stephanie J., "From Her Perspective: Reflections of Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood" (2013). Master of Social Work Clinical Research Papers. Paper 155. Web.
Herrman, Judith W. "Adolescent Perceptions of Teen Births." Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing 37.1 (2008): 42-50. Print.
Sadler, Lois S., et al. "Promising Outcomes In Teen Mothers Enrolled In A School-Based Parent Support Program And Child Care Center." Journal Of School Health 77.3 (2007): 121-130. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Mar. 2014.
Teenagers who become mothers have harsh prospects for the future. Teenagers obtaining abortions are 20% and girls under 15 accounts for 1.2%. They are much more likely to leave of school; receive insufficient prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or en...
Significantly, teenage pregnancy is a social issue that will always be present in Canada. It will always have its health concerns, social issues, and media controversies. Nevertheless, there will always be solutions, where teenagers can be cautioned, and where mothers can have second chances to get the help they need to raise their children. Indeed, teenage pregnancy is not a formula that can be solved with an answer - but it is a cracked path that can only be paved, smoothed, and made better for those that must walk upon it.
Being a parent is very demanding and can be hard. The difficulties that come with an unplanned pregnancy in teens can have a profound effect on their life. Their physical, social, mental, and emotional health will all be affected by a sudden change in the course of their life. Teens impacted with an unplanned pregnancy will have to give up many things in order to be a parent. In addition, they will have to take on many more responsibilities that accompany pregnancy and parenthood. All in all, having an unplanned pregnancy and becoming a parent introduce many new responsibilities and difficulties.
Reimer, Susan. "Case Closed: Teen Pregnancy Is Poverty's Offspring." Baltimore Sun. N.p., 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 26 Dec. 2013.
The birth rate among teens in the United States has declined 9% from 2009 to 2010, a historic low among all racial and ethnic groups, with the least being born in 2010; and in 2011 the number of babies born to adolescents aged 15-19 years of age was 329,797 (“Birth Rates for U.S.”, 2012). Although the decline in unwanted and unplanned teen births is on the rise the United States continues to be among the highest of industrialized countries facing this problem. This is a prevailing social concern because of the health risks to these young mothers as well as their babies. Teens at higher risk of becoming pregnant are raised at or below the poverty level by single parents; live in environments that cause high levels of stress (i.e., divorce, sexual psychological and physical abuse); are influenced by peers or family members that are sexually active; and lack parental guidance that would direct them to be responsible and self-controlled.
Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy, 2008: Teenage Births: Outcomes for Young Parents and their Children:
When teen’s get pregnant do they really know the consequences and the changes that it causes their bodies to go through? Most teens go into their pregnancy
For many of the studies on teen pregnancy, Canada, England, and the USA are compared to each other because they have many of the same standards. “Despite declining birth rates over the past few decades, the United Stat...
The female teen stares into the eyes of her newborn son, not realizing the type of life her and her son will have in the near future. Katrina L. Burchett excellently explicates teenage pregnancy among female adolescents living with domestic problems in her book titled Choices. The various elements that aid to the wide range of teenage pregnancies in the world should all be taken in to consideration. Getting pregnant at an adult is no longer substantial or conventional in our society. Everyday, female young adults are getting pregnant, which is why it is a social issue for the youth today.
Growing up I was always told to enjoy being young; now I see why. A plethora of young teens today become pregnant in high school. I just so happen to be one of those girls. I would have to say it was a life changing experience for me. As a result, the parallelism between the aspects of my life as a teenager and as a teen mom are stress, responsibility and my emotions.
Swann, C., Bowe, K., McCormick, G., Kosmin, M. (2003) Teenage pregnancy and parenthood: a review of reviews. London: HAD.
baby, therefore it's even harder for the mother. All of a sudden the girl is
Thesis Statement: Within America, there is a teen pregnancy epidemic across all socioeconomic backgrounds, presenting commonalities as to the causes and ramifications of adolescents emerging as a growing parental population.
The concept of comprehensive social intervention has been defined as the process of identifying social problems in an attempt to eradicate them. In looking at the broad range of social characteristics and the behavior associated with teen pregnancy, it is obvious that the emphases placed on the effort to recognize and alleviate teen pregnancy can be celebrated through the effectiveness of education, family planning, and abstinence. However, the attempt to analyze and deal with the cause-and-effect relationship with teen pregnancy is an attempt in understanding the social world itself. In 2006, statistics show that there was a significant increase in teen pregnancy after a decade long decrease. The potential for understanding this increase motivates us to look beyond simple explanations for cause-and-effect behavior and to look at what interactions may be occurring between variables that result in specific behaviors or social conditions. What is it that influences behavior? In looking at teen pregnancy in the realm of the family, it is evident that a large number of family structures have evolved, or perhaps devolved, into a variety of combinations which challenge responsible parents to consistently expose their children to the role models and the types of behaviors that are important for their children to emulate as they mature. People are molded by circumstances and experiences, all of which can positively or negatively influence our behavior.
Teen pregnancies often carry additional health risks to the baby and the mother. Basically, they lack timely and suitable prenatal care hence posses a higher risk for pregnancy related complications such as the high blood pressure. The mother also risks the life of the baby due to the premature birth. The teen mother experiences a tremendous dilemma after realizing that some physical changes are substantiating her pregnancy. Mostly such teen’s lacks the courage to explain what they are going through to her parent. Generally, many perform their duties routinely as they l...