Teen Moms Around 200,000 children are born to teen mothers around the age of fifteen to nineteen. With teen pregnancy, sixty percent of them result in birth. Eight in ten of the fathers don’t marry the mother and pay less than eight hundred dollars in child care due to being poor himself. School is a problem as teen mothers will drop out and have a harder time finding a job. How society looks at teen mothers is also a problem. Three effects being a teen mother are: education, source of income, and medical complications. Firstly, education is a struggle with being a teen mother. With teens that become pregnant, less than fifty percent of them will graduate from high school. Dropping out from high school as a teenager causes a problem as it will be harder to find a job. Thirty percent of teenage girls drop out of highschool because of teen pregnancy. Having a child while in high school puts the mother in a difficult position because it can cause bullying. Dropping out makes it harder to obtain a higher education. A lower education also makes it harder to raise a child. With teen pregnancy comes a hard time in school. Secondly, a source of income can be hard with limited education. Having little to no money …show more content…
With a teenage pregnancy, it increases the risk of of medical complications in both mother and child. For a child, lack of proper prenatal care sometimes induces complications like high blood pressure, anemia, and premature birth in the baby. Going into the hospital for a regular prenatal checkups isn’t always possible for a teen mother. The baby may suffer from low birth-weight, blindness, deafness and respiratory problems. A baby may be born with a low birth-weight, causes of this are poor eating habits in the mother and smoking and drug abuse. Premature labor is labor that starts before thirty-seven weeks gestation which result in premature babies. With teen births comes medical
Teenagers who become mothers have harsh prospects for the future. Teenagers obtaining abortions are 20% and girls under 15 accounts for 1.2%. They are much more likely to leave of school; receive insufficient prenatal care; rely on public assistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or en...
Furthermore, there are major health issues surrounding teenage pregnancy. For one, teen mothers are two to six times more likely to have low birth-weight babies, compared to mothers above twenty years of age. This is because teen mothers are often still growing themselves, and physically cannot let the baby grow and develop. Such low birth-weights lead to higher risks of new-born health problems, undevelo...
First off, an unplanned pregnancy has physical effects on a teen. The abdominal area will enlarge and in effect, there will be weight gain. This causes teens to buy totally new wardrobes. In addition there are effects that aren’t as visual. Pregnant women may experience exhaustion and weariness. Furthermore, a change in appetite may be experienced.
Babies, as well as the teenage mothers, face long-time problems may face long-term problems from the pregnancy. These problems may include school failure, poverty, and physical or mental illness. Babies born to teenagers are at greater risk for neglect and abuse than those of a woman. Teenage mothers may feel like they are being demanded to do the job and they may take their frustration out on the child (When 1).
Teen pregnancy is one of the many recurring themes that continue to be a problem in the African American community. This project will document the reasons why African Americans become teen parents, I will get to the root of why African Americans are teen parents. This is a problem in the African American community because we are perceived to be a race that has a variety of negative stereotypes behind it. These stereotypes sometimes stem from things that actually happen in the community such as teen pregnancy, as well as people’s perception of African Americans. Society is affected by teen pregnancy in the black community by there not being more African Americans furthering their education through college and in some cases through high school due to responsibilities that comes with raising a child, as well as the children of teen parents having behavioral issues and social disabilities. Children of teen parents are likely to have children as teens (Healthy Teen Network, 2006). According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (2014) only 40 percent of teen mothers finish high school, and fewer than 2 percent actually finish college by age 30.
Sometimes teen moms decide to not go to college and focus more on the baby or their plans to get married. Teen pregnancy statistics state that only one third of teen moms can even acquire the high school diploma and only a few get a college degree. The government plan welfare schemes to take care of teen mothers and their children. The low-qualified mother cannot get a good job and she completely depends on the state to overcome the financial distress. The annual expenses to fund the teen pregnancies cost around seven billion dollars. The government has to spend money on public assistance, child health care, and foster care to facilitate proper raising of the child. The teen mothers who do not receive proper financial support from her parents or her friends have to face a severe financial crunch. She has to face extreme difficulty to buy basic items for her newborn baby such as clothing and baby care products. Due to the lack of social support, the mother will suffer from huge emotional crisis due to lack of social support. She will deal with severe emotional and mental breakdowns that trigger the onset of unusual behavior like suicide attempts or attempting self-abortion. Many studies have concluded that teenage pregnancy directly affects teenage drug addiction rates ( 11 Negative Side Effects of Teen Pregnancy On
Being a parent at an early age makes lives of those teens and also their parents a struggle. Dreams of a great future goes down the drain and saving money for clothes and those one shoes you wanted, does also. Most parents already realize what all comes with taking care of a baby by experience however, when their child becomes pregnant as a teen, life is filled with so much disappointment. Expenses of a baby are extremely high and many of the parents of the pregnant teens have to help financially. The average cost of caring for a child in its first year of life is $10,158 (Rivera). When taking care of a baby you have to deal with the cost of formula, baby wipes, diapers, clothing and housing plus the things you need to take care of yourself comfortably adds up, which pregnant teens than rely on their parents for their assistance to take care of the baby. Than the parents who can’t afford another responsibility began to stress witch than stresses out the teens. Two out of three teen mothers never graduate from high school. Education is extremely important and without one, many teens will not get far. Without and education, it’s harder to get a job that will pay what is needed to support a family. According to many a baby born now will cost a middle-class family $170,460 to raise through age 17. Many teens are not in the right place in their career, if they
This qualitative phenomenological study (Creswell & Creswell, 2007) will demonstrate the simultaneous experience of teenage mothers through both college and motherhood. Qualitative phenomenological studies demonstrate the lived experiences of the participants through their perspective (Creswell & Creswell, 2007). The paradigm utilized in this study is constructivism. Constructivism is a way to understand different meanings on a certain situation or phenomenon (Mertens, 2005). This study will be conducted through in-depth interviews, a focus group, observations, and reflections. Once I get all the data, I will organize the data into themes and patterns relevant to the research (Lester, 1999). Finally, I will establish trustworthiness
A teen pregnancy is a pregnancy and girls under the age of 20. When teens become pregnant and can lead to different health problems. Risk factors include young age, for school performance, and other disadvantages. Pregnancy is the leading cause of the teams to drop out of school. Girls born to teenage mothers are 22% more likely to become teenage mothers themselves.
The female teen stares into the eyes of her newborn son, not realizing the type of life her and her son will have in the near future. Katrina L. Burchett excellently explicates teenage pregnancy among female adolescents living with domestic problems in her book titled Choices. The various elements that aid to the wide range of teenage pregnancies in the world should all be taken in to consideration. Getting pregnant at an adult is no longer substantial or conventional in our society. Everyday, female young adults are getting pregnant, which is why it is a social issue for the youth today.
Thesis Statement: Within America, there is a teen pregnancy epidemic across all socioeconomic backgrounds, presenting commonalities as to the causes and ramifications of adolescents emerging as a growing parental population.
Babies are born more likely to be born premature and/or suffer low birth weight. There are a lot of problems involved with children having children. There is a higher risk of low birth rate, premature labor, and stillbirth. The problem is teenage girls are not done growing and fully maturing, there for, when they become pregnant it induces problems not only on the baby but the mother as well. *A general rule: The younger the mother, the greater risk of complications for both the mother and child. Often pregnant teenage mothers deny the fact that they are indeed pregnant, therefor ignoring the proper care that she needs for the growing baby inside of her. There are no easy answers; that’s one thing that everyone agrees on when it comes to the problem of teen pregnancy. The Center of Disease Control and prevention affirmed on June 26 what other agencies, such as the National Center for Health Statistics, have been saying over the course of this year: “The teen pregnancy rate is dropping. The number of teenage girls across the country who became pregnant fell 12 percent between 1991 and 1996. This drops affects girls, of different races and socioeconomic backgrounds, in all states. But the problem remains; The U.S. teen pregnancy rate is the highest of any industrialized countries. Babies born in the U.S. to teenager mothers are at risk for long-term problems in many major areas of life, including school failure, poverty, and physical or mental illness. The teenage mothers themselves are also at risk for these problems.
One major effect of teen pregnancy is that the child may be raised by a single parent. While most girls are looking for love and acceptance in sex, many guys are looking for the mere pleasure and are not planning on becoming a teen father. The pressures of high school and hanging out with friends may be overwhelming for some teens, so they just leave. Raising a child as teen is difficult, but raising a child alone would be almost impossible.
One wrong step and some 15 years girl get pregnant. One wrong step and the society will mark you as the anathema. Still the teenage pregnancy is prominent aspect of many different countries in this world Teenage pregnancy means that some female is under age of 20 years when her pregnancy period is just ending. It is a serious issue which cannot be ignored both in developed as well as undeveloped countries. It creates great difficulties for teenage women. More than 50% of women cannot imagine problems which would affect their own lives. The baby born to the teenage mother has risk of the low birth weight risk of the pre-maturity and the risk of anemia along with other health issues to mother and child, mother suffers because of her body is not developed for supporting another life. In most of cases baby develops weakness and laziness that prevails throughout their lives.
Teen pregnancy is the term used in reference to those young ladies who get pregnant before attainment of legal adulthood that is between 13-18 years age group. It is a circumstance under which a teenager becomes pregnant unintentionally affecting her life-span development. Teen pregnancy is a prevalent factor among many teenage women especially in their 16th to 19th birthday. Pregnant teenagers are today faced with many obstetrics problems similar to those of the women in their age gap of 20s and 30s. Additional medical concerns are experienced by pregnant teenagers in the developing countries especially women aged 14 or younger.