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Domestic violence against women
Domestic violence against women
Domestic violence against women
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Recommended: Domestic violence against women
What is violence? Any dictionary can easily define violence as the use of force, action, and or energy that may cause physical harm to a person and the destruction of property. Violence may cause emotional distress to those who have experienced it as those who witness it. It may occur in the form of assault, rape, or murder. Violence can also be cause by unnatural and natural triggers. Alcohol and drug consumption, considered an unnatural trigger, may cause behaviors that are outside of one’s character and interfere with judgment. It may also be learned as result of exposure to violent media, exposure to home violence, exposure to neighborhood violence, bullying, and placement in hostile situations. The most common type of violence is domestic violence. This refers to a set of behaviors used to gain, establish and/ or maintain power over another person via intimidation and fear in a relationship. These relationship may be between a spouse, siblings, parent and child, against the …show more content…
Several studies identified a significant correlation among victims of teen dating violence and substance abuse. Those committing the act were more likely to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and victims show increase signs of substance addiction to cope (Temple et al., 2013). Victims of teen dating violence can have increased problems associated with mental health, sexual risk behaviors, sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy, weight issues, and suicidal ideology (Maas, 2010). Teens who become young mothers have an increase risk range of 6% to 55% in the form of controlling school attendance, contraception usage, social independence, and financial independence (Herrman, 2013). As a result of these health problems students may become dropouts and achieve low academic score. 44% of female homicides are the result of dating violence from what was perceived as disrespect (Martin,
The headline, “Recession Causes Increase in Teen Dating Violence”, clearly affirms a causal relationship between the economic recession, and the increase in teen relationship violence. Specifically, causation can be described as one event causing an effect within a specific scenario. As you see in the headline title, a recession assumes the responsibility for an increase in teen date violence. Hence, with this headline we observe a cause and effect relationship.
Many people are uneducated when it comes to domestic violence, sexual violence, and teen dating violence. “Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence” (Domestic Violence: Statistics & Facts). The statistics of domestic violence are alarming. “1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence during her lifetime”
“Domestic violence is an emotional, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse perpetrated against a person by a person's spouse, former spouse, partner, former partner or by the other parent of a minor child” (McCue 2). While it is these things, the violence is also considered a pattern of demeanor used to establish power and control over another person with whom an intimate relationship is or has been shared through fear and intimidation (“Domestic Violence Sourcebook” 9). It has many names, including spouse abuse, domestic abuse, domestic assault, battering, partner abuse, marital strife, marital dispute, wife-beating, marital discord, woman abuse, dysfunctional relationship, intimate fighting, mate beating, and so on (2). Donna Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Accommodations, believes that domestic violence is “terrorism in the home” (2). This type of abuse involves threats, harm, injury, harassment, control, terrorism, or damage to living beings/property (2). It isn't only in relationships with spouses, it also occurs within family, elderly, and children (9).
Violence is something that seems to be simple. It is the process of hurting someone else, but how? Of course you see violence when people become physical, but in reality there are so many ways to look at the word violence. The way people speak to each other or treat the people around them is a form of violence. Every day teenage children go to a place, called high school. They enter an area meant to be used for learning, but instead find an environment filled with cruelty. Girls make fun of other people because of how they look, talk or because they are just different. The boys walk around with an attitude of ownership because they feel they are
Domestic violence is a violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving violent abuse of a spouse or a partner. Here is a story about a girl name Ashley who went through this issue about domestic violence. She met a boy name Benny when she was 15 and he was 16, he made her stop hanging out with her friends and she would get in trouble by her mom because she would come home late because he would make her stay with him until he get done working on the car that he wanted to work on. Every time she tried to go home he would say that she was trying to rush home because she didn’t care about him. He would also make fun of her friends so when she would go talk to them at school she would feel guilty talking to her friends because
I selected teen dating violence because this is an issue affecting Eastern North Carolina, affecting teen mothers, high school students, and even middle school kids, are victim of dating violence. As the Community, and Hispanic Outreach Specialist for a Federal funded institution, for four counties in Eastern North Carolina, I have had the opportunity to work with many cases, from child abuse and neglect, homeless, poverty, drug addiction, hunger, HIV cases, domestic violence and the new trend teen dating violence, and one situation is connected to the other.
It’s easy for sexual harassment and relationship violence to be dismissed as only “adult” issues. On the contrary, these problems have proven to be pervasive in both junior and senior high schools. Although statistics show that “nearly half of students are sexually harassed in school” (Koebler, 2011), sexual harassment and dating violence are not being appropriately addressed in schools and are in essence, being shoved under the table. These are not fleeting issues, because sexual harassment and domestic violence can be particularly harmful to victims and have long-lasting, detrimental effects. One senior girl at Hoover High School said she has experienced sexual harassment and dating violence first hand,
Physical abuse is the most known about type of teen dating violence. Even if the person is slapped, hit, or attacked once it is still ...
Domestic Violence -is a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviors and tactics by one person to gain power and control over a partner (Halket, Gormley, Mello, Rosenthal, &Mirkin, 2014).
Common Misconceptions in Teen Dating Violence This lesson discusses the topic of teen dating violence and the misconceptions people believe about the practice. The term '~dating violence~' is defined and many different myths are discussed and outlined as to why there are misconceptions. Make People See the Truth People are going to believe what they want to believe and there is no way to make them see logic. If this were true, then what would be the rationale for ever making an argument?
There are many forms of domestic violence but the more prevalent types that I will discuss are physical abuse, verbal abused, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, social abuse and economical abuse. Every nine seconds, a husband physically abuses his wife in the U.S. (Schwartz & Scott, 2003). Physical abuse is any action that is taken against another person that inflicts pain and harm in order to control or intimidate whether in public or private. Pushing, slapping, punching, biting, kicking are just so...
Another source describes Violence as a behavior in which physical force is exerted for the purpose of causing damage or injury. Its definition has been continuously evolving with time and circumstances. Now days it is a very common issue, modern philosophers not only condemn it but some of them are even supporting the concept. Modern thinkers believe that use of Violence in order to defend ourselves should be permissible. All the powerful nations follow this idea that they need to use Violence to restore peace in the
10% of teens in America experience a form of domestic violence in their relationship in the form of pushes, slaps, kicks and punches. Many teens do not view the domestic violence that occurs at home, the same as the violence that occurs within their relationships. The researchers in the article “Youth Experiences of Family Violence and Teen Dating Violence Perpetration: Cognitive and Emotional Mediators” come up with methods on how to evaluate whom these teens are committing these acts of violence. So far no conclusion is made. Accountability in teenage dating violence: A comparative examination of adult domestic violence and juvenile justice systems policies.
According to the Oxford dictionary, violence is “Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.” As human beings, it is difficult for us to inflict violence on our fellow man. Humans have emotion and a conscious which prevents them from giving others pain; and when they do so, they usually feel pain themselves. And yet, violence is everywhere, from our history textbooks, to the media, to our everyday lives.
For a start, violence is defined as “the intentional use of physical force or power, against another person, group, or community, with the behavior likely to cause physical or psychological harm” (About School Violence). Turn to the main thing that is school violence. School violence is the act of harming the lives, properties, health, morale, reputation and honor of the victims in the school environment. School violence now tends to rise rapidly and occur in many parts of the world.