Ted Kacinski's Argument On Unintended Consequences

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Unit 3 Essay Assignment
It is not immoral to develop GNR technologies even with the risks
Anthony Beaster
A sufficient number of the arguments against GNR (genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics) technologies rest on unintended consequence theory, morality, and ethics. Ignoring the first for now, morality is the manifestation of the overall belief of what is good or right by the majority at some instance in time and ethics are the rules based upon the present morals. Considering these both change as times change, this leaves the discussion ultimately to unintended consequences.
Joy’s argument cites the Unabomber, Ted Kaczinski. According to Joy, the principal facet of Kacinski’s argument is unintended consequences, which is “a …show more content…

However, his argument is fatally flawed since, as he levies his opinion that unintended consequences result from our actions, therefore the action abandon future tech will result in the intended consequences. In Joys’ case, his position, or any position, undermines any course of action. Simply, unintended consequences cannot guide choices and definitively provides no support to relinquish support for GNR technologies. The premise that the future is unknown as are the consequences shows that future technology may very well lead to a more utopian …show more content…

To not do so would be immoral rather, making us culpable for untold preventable suffering and death. In addition, for a God to bestow us with intelligence but then wish for us to not use it or restrict it is not intelligent. As for nanotechnology, Joy eloquently writes of how “engines of creation” may transform into “engines of destruction, but again it is hard to see why we or the Gods prefer that we remain ignorant about

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