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Technology in Greg Bear's Blood Music
Different genres of literature are particular responses to society; therefore, cyberpunk, as a genre, is a response to our contemporary society, known as the information age. One of the attributes given the genre is that it has an apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic tone, warning the reader of the perils of technology, while at the same time celebrating the possibilities of technology, usually through a strong character in the novel. In Greg Bear's Blood Music, technology is seen as having a destructive and creative forces as it reshapes the world biologically, and incorporates every living thing, including a slow girl named Suzy, into the system. Blood Music demonstrates the perils and benefits in a world full of diverse technology, typical of the cyberpunk genre, responding to frightening and powerful possibilities in the secrets of technology which are just on the brink of discovery.
First, a demonstration of the kind of technology available today would lend to a better understanding of some of the biological possibilities. Already we can clone and manipulate individual genes. We can replicate DNA patterns and build proteins. Information is available at the touch of a button on the newest technology, so that it can be ingested by the younger generations just by browsing the Net. Also, the beginnings of nanotechnology, manipulating individual atoms to create new structures, is beginning to develop. James Graves wrote in a paper focused on the technological advances in our time, that nanotechnology, not too unlike the theories behind Vergil's experiments in Blood Music, would allow us to create tiny "organisms" that could show us more about ourselves, r...
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...ction is a particular response to society, and our society is in the information age, then it is incredibly appropriate to include Blood Music to the genre when we are making biological leaps and bounds today. Bear uses his characters to show that the effects may not be so bad for the individual, although technology will probably change the entire face of society as a whole. Perhaps someday cosmetic things will matter less, and we will be able to include a slow child into the ranks and make her feel whole, just like a part of each personal wants to feel at least normal, hopefully exceptional.
Works Cited
Bear, Greg. Blood Music. New York: Ace Books, 1996.
Graves, James C. "Technology and Its Effect on Society." Online. Purdue Lib. Internet. 9 October
This text was also among my most favorable topics, as I can relate to the generation of technology, its advances and consequences, and its role and influence on society. I evaluated three pieces of texts, all of which presented thorough research. My analysis was an investigation of a book I found to be an outstanding read, amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman. I evaluated Postman’s argument, and incorporated and established my own stance and position towards the consequences of technology today and in the future on our society. I created a persuasive argument connected to Postman’s
Personally as i watched this Video I thought it would be so amazing if someone found a way so we can view our possible threats to our lives but with good point of views also come with some negative point of views. The reason why i think this would be a great advancements in our everyday lives is because it could potentially lead us to a cure to cancer if we could figure out what's exactly causing it, then maybe we could find a way to reverse it. I also think this gives us a heads up on what might be coming our way in the future and gives us some time to figure out how to make it so it doesn't happen. I also think this knowing your genetic code could be harmful to people's living habits, expenses and to their love ones. I feel as if people learned they were for instance were going to only live till they were 50 because of a disease they would live life carefully and take their time with a grain of salt versus if someone where to find out they wouldn't have any problems they wouldn't care what they ate or how much they spend or even how much time they have with their loved ones because they knew that nothing bad would come to them. I think this future technology is definitely something to think about and also something that could possibly change the world for good or bad, so whoever holds all this information needs to decide
Technology, Culture, Society. Ed. Crowley, D.J., and P. Heyer. Allyn & Bacon/Pearson, 2010. 74-77. Print.
The age of genetic technology has arrived. Thanks to genetic technological advancements, medical practitioners, with the help of genetic profiling, will be able to better diagnose patients and design individual tailored treatments; doctors will be able to discern which medications and treatments will be most beneficial and produce the fewest adverse side effects. Rationally designed vaccines have been created to provide optimal protection against infections. Food scientists have hopes of genetically altering crops to increase food production, and therefore mitigate global hunger. Law enforcement officers find that their job is made easier through the advancement of forensics; forensics is yet another contribution of genetic technology. Doctors have the ability to identify “high-risk” babies before they are born, which enables them to be better prepared in the delivery room. Additionally, oncologists are able to improve survival rates of cancer patients by administering genetically engineered changes in malignant tumors; these changes result in an increased immune response by the individual. With more than fifty years of research, and billions of dollars, scientists have uncovered methods to improve and prolong human life and the possibilities offered by gene therapy and genetic technology are increasing daily.
Star, Alexander. "Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology." New Republic. v207 n5 (July 27, 1992):59.
Williams, R. & Edge, D. (1996). The social shaping of technology. Research Policy, 25 (6), pp. 865--899.
The basic precepts of the cyberpunk genre consists of technology as hindrance to man, stories that are saturated in dark and dreary themes, and a character, ”Case,” that will either fail or conform to a structured society.
The Greek poet, Hesiod, once said not to “put your work off till tomorrow and the day after (Jaffe, 2013).” According to the Cambridge dictionary, procrastination is the putting off of something important. When one first sees Hesiod’s quote, it sounds as if it is just one of those phrases that have been repeated so much that it has lost virtually all meaning. Hesiod’s quote reveals that procrastination has been around for a really long time, and since early times, people have tried to warn against it. De Paul professor, Joseph Ferrari discovered that up to 20% of people are chronic procrastinators(Jaffe,2013). That is not including the rest of the population that fall between occasional procrastinator and the procrastinator that does it just to see what they can get away with. There are many causes that can lead to procrastination, which is a hint as to why it is such a big issue. The result of those causes is procrastination, which is not without consequence. Procrastination can lead to a decline in one’s mental and physical health, mental stability, and emotional well-being. However, along with those negative effects, there are ways to combat procrastination.
Cyberpunks or postmodern science fiction writers create their story into our everyday life and make it more real.
Literacy is most commonly understood as reading and writing. But before children can read and write, they need to learn about sound, words, language, books and stories (Raising Children, 2015). Children begin to develop and gain knowledge quite differently and with support and developmentally appropriate learning skills children will also come to understand the connection between letters and sounds. Literacy development or early literacy is the most essential in the first three years of life as it the earliest experience children have with language, sound and the positive interactions between child and adult. Vygotsky (1978) believed in how children developed, and the important role of adults in leading child’s early development. The interactions
Since the beginning of time, mankind has sought after learning about and exploring the universe. This yearning drove us to achieve such great things as the journey to the moon and the discovery of water on mars. Nowadays, several people argue as to whether or not space exploration is worth the effort. I believe that it is humanity’s instinctual nature to pursue a better understanding of ourselves, and our universe. Further understanding of our universe will lead to the discovery of new technologies and ways to secure humanity’s survivability. As such, this essay will argue that space exploration is a necessity to our kind and that NASA should be progressively more financed.
Although the book has its flaws, I did enlighten me on how technology affects society. I learned a great deal about technology from the book. I learned more about the increasing attachment of people to technology, how technology affects us socially, and most importantly, the e...
Space exploration is a great controversy between the people in America. Some people support it because they think that it is a fascinating thing and they would like to know more about space and what all is in space. Some people don’t support it due to the danger and all the money that goes into it. There are many good things and bad things about space exploration. Before deciding whether to support or disagree with space exploration, there are many things to think about. Some major things to think about are whether the money spent on it is worth it, how dangerous it could be to earth and the people living in it, and whether the things they find are worth what it takes to get them.
Martin, Alice. The 4 Negative Side Effects of Technology Edudemic. 30 May 2013. Web. 17
Most humans have habits, habits in which they do simply because if they do not do them they feel uncomfortable. Procrastination is one of those habits that not all, but most people suffer from. Procrastination means to put off key things to do less important things that could possibly wait. It has been proving that all most everyone procrastinates, but procrastination does not determine what type of person one is. Procrastination is like a virus or a bad cold that does not want to go away. If one does not stop the problem it will get bigger; therefore, if people do not control their procrastinating they will start to do it more. However, the worst time to procrastinate is in college. College students often forget hoe important time is. Being a procrastinator can lead to several different outcomes. Procrastination can led to either good or bad outcomes. It all depends on the person doing the procrastinating. Procrastination is not always meant to happen; sometimes it simply happens because a person is too busy. Procrastination has both good and bad causes and effects, can cause failure, and bad decisions.