Technology Vs Dark Ages

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Many believe we’re entering a second Renaissance, due to advanced technology. However, due to the fall of intellect, useless technology, and less regard for knowledge; the modern day is more of a Dark Age than anything.
The first sign of a Dark Age is the fact that we can look up whatever we need, whenever we need it. There’s no longer a need to discuss topics or think for ourselves; due to the fact that it’s all online. Ray Williams explains in his article “well-educated and intellectual students are commonly referred to in public schools and the media as ‘nerds,’ ‘dweebs,’ ‘dorks,’ and ‘geeks’…” This tells us that the strength of intelligence is beginning to mean less to our world. That fact alone is rather disastrous, as it means people will be reliant on smartphones to get their information. Such behaviour leads to our next argument, as explained by the article “Iowa State Professor;” where it states “If we embed ourselves in technology, what happens to those universal …show more content…

Originally, technology was intended to help people and allow us easier life. However, it has become misused and less useful over time. As shown in the article “32 Innovations that will Change your Tomorrow,” it states “The industrial designer Jiang Qian has conceived of a subway strap that’s also a video game…” The issue with this is, there is no way they can explain why we need this. While it may provide entertainment, there’s already numerous devices which can provide entertainment. Why waste technology on something that the human race doesn’t need? In addition, the same article, they speak about another invention which advertises “He wants to turn the entire room into a monitor, where you can have the news on your kitchen table while you place a video call on your fridge.” Once again, why exactly would people need this? While some technology is useful, do we really need access to it in our whole

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