Technology Affecting Young Children

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The world today revolves predominantly around technology; people use some form of it to get through the day--- cell phone, television, computer, tablet, etc. Just like the technology industry is expanding and growing, so is the human population causing people of all ages use these “smart” products. As people become more reliant on technology, some wonder if its effects could potentially harm the person using it, whether that be a child or an adult. Allowing young children to use technology creates many issues in different areas of children's lives. Technology could potentially create social, psychological, and physical issues for young children that can affect them negatively in both the present and the future.
In today’s world, the reliance …show more content…

The excessive amount of time spent using technology affects children's brains. Children, exposed to too much screen time during their “critical period”(Margalit), and not receiving the “required stimuli from the real world”(Margalit) causes their development to “[stunt]”(Margalit). Children spend too much time in front of tablets and computers in their younger years, causing them to miss the different cognitive skills their brains need to help them continue developing. Tablets and smartphones take away from the time children should be dedicating to developing their abilities to focus, communicate, and building other different life skills. Some parents may think that giving a child a tablet will help them learn, but a tablet can only teach so much information. Children exposed to too much screen time as infants “can affect [children] forever”(Margalit). Technology advances further, and with each day, parents should take into consideration the damage the technology causes on their children and monitor it more closely to ensure their children develop …show more content…

Technology creates physical issues among children and produces ideas like “As children spend increasing amounts of time in front of computer monitors—in addition to time spent in front of a television screen—they are likely to be increasing their risk of obesity”(Subrahmanyam). Parents are handing their children tablets instead of tennis balls and smartphones instead of softballs and teaching their children inactivity is OK. This causes children's physical health to decline and overall setting a negative precedent for the wrong skill set that they need to grow up and live a healthy life. If parents continue to allow their children to play on their devices, children are missing out on the physical activity they need. Physical activity is needed to live a healthy lifestyle and to stop the incessantly increasing rates of obesity in children. Handing children these tablets and smartphones will never solve all of their problems in life. While it may help them learn letters and numbers, it will unceasingly deprive children of simple outside activities like riding a bike or playing a sport. Children, without a doubt, need physical activity to be healthy and stay fit; but technology fails to go outside for

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