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Chinese popular religion five key features
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Technology and Religion/Beliefs
The Ancient Huang He Civilization was a very impressive civilization. They started around 4000 B.C near the Yellow River in Asia; the start of this civilization was the start of many Chinese Empires. They viewed people outside of their civilization as uncivilized barbarians and that people should be loyal to their family before being loyal to anything else. The fathers were head of the family and women obeyed their fathers, sons when they got older and husbands. They also gave us a lot of inventions that we still use today and they also had a very different religion than most people.
Religion was very important to the Huang He Civilization; the early religion of the Huang He people was polytheistic, meaning they had more than one. They believed in supernatural forces and that they could communicate with dead ancestors that were in the afterlife with oracle bones and also that spirits, kings and dead ancestors could help them have a good future. Confucianism and Taoism (also known as Daoism) existed in the area since about 450 BC and Buddhism hit the area in 110 BC – 220 AD and became the main religion in that area. One of the many dynasties near the Huang He River that was called the Shang Dynasty worshipped a God named Shang Di who ruled over Gods of the sun, moon, wind, rain and other natural forces.
Ancestor worship was very important to the kings and nobles that ruled the Huang He River Valley civilization. They brought food and wine to temples as a sign of worship the ancestors and when a person died and their soul went to the afterlife (heaven) priests would write various peoples questions into oracle bones and hold a hold something hot over the bone to make cracks appear...
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...ry, creating a writing system, building roads and digging canals and making water wheels to grind their grain. Without the Huang He Civilization we probably wouldn’t have some of the stuff we have today. So in conclusion, without the ancient civilizations – all of them –, we wouldn’t know half of the stuff we know now.
Resources http://prezi.com/n34kjqsdyawy/the-huang-ho-valley/ http://lphsworldgeography.wikispaces.com/Huang+He http://www.slideshare.net/Djaan/river-valley-civilizations-overview http://period20910.wikispaces.com/Religion+in+the+Huang+He+River+Valley http://nuppiu.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/cus2-1-s3-the-wang-ho-civilization.pdf https://ridgeaphistory.wikispaces.com/Hwang+He+Yellow+River http://boivieapedia.pbworks.com/w/page/8081114/Shang%20or%20Huang%20He%20(Yellow%20River)%20valley%20civilization http://civilization.yolasite.com/huang-he.php
The founder of the Qin dynasty was Qin Shi Huangdi, a title meaning “First Emperor.” He was a brutal ruler, but he brought about many changes. However, in addition to all the new, some old ideas were continued from the Zhou, such as the emphasis on the wheat and rice staple foods, and the philosophies, Confucianism and Daoism. The old continuities tended to have been deeply embraced by China, and, just as the Zhou did, the Qin would create some ideas that lasted, and some that did not. Qin Shi Huangdi enforced a tough autocratic rule and, as a result, opposed formal culture that could make people counter his rule. This meant that he burned many books and attacked Confucian ideas in order to keep the people from generating rebellious ideas. When the Qin dynasty fell, so too did the opposition towards education, because it took away from the civilization culturally. Despite the fact that the Qin dynasty was very short and had little time to fully develop its systems and ideas, it did pump out a vast quantity of new and lasting concepts, such as the Great Wall and a central government. One of the biggest contenders for the most well-known feature of the Qin dynasty is the Great Wall. This architectural masterpiece extends over 3,000 miles, and was mainly a
When comparing different societies in ancient history you may not think that Han China and Ancient Rome had a lot in common. These two great societies had many similarities and differences, especially in their social structures. These similarities and differences are all due to Han China’s and Ancient Rome’s governments, family structures and religions. Both of these wonderful empires lasted for approximately 400 years and had lasting effects on the lands they conquered.
Although the Han Dynasty used Confucianism mainly as a practical philosophy and moral code by which they should live, Daoism was also practiced at the same time as a religion as well. Also, later in the Han Dynasty, Buddhism came to flower in China, which came from India. Daoism entails the concept of all things at equilibrium, as well as being one with a basic life force or nature. The Gupta Empire favored the usage of Hinduism, although Buddhism was still practiced at that time by the people. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion that entails the concepts of the caste system, reincarnation, karma, dharma, and the goal of being one with Brahman, which is called moksha. Buddhism is similar in most aspects except in the belief of the necessity of the caste system. The Han Dynasty and the Gupta Empire are similar in their religion in that both brought about the renewal of an old way of life that used to be more prevalent. The Han Dynasty brought back the usage of Confucian principles and the Gupta Empire revived the Hindu religion in India. Concerning the religions themselves, Hinduism and Buddhism are similar to Daoism in the fact the there is an end goal, which is to join together to unite with a universal force. They also are obviously different from each other, contrasting in many different
After watching the documentary The Long Search: Taoism: A Question of Balance—China, I am totally surprised by the details in the video, which explain every single aspect of people’s daily life in Taiwan as religious, especially Taoist. Since China does not consider itself as a nation of religious beliefs and practices, I do not actually think of what Chinese people do everyday as religious. However, after studying Religions in China for a semester, I finally realize that all the Chinese traditions and beliefs have evolved as a mixture of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. As a result, it all makes sense to see in the video that Taoism is a dominant religion that has deeply influenced individuals’ life in Taiwan.
There is no simple answer to this question, especially with the convoluted and entwining relationship between Buddhism and Wu, so we focus on how the religion assisted Wu in grasping power and its indispensable role in the Chinese economy. The close connection between government and religion is not a new concept to the Tang era as it has been well-established prior to its time, and it even survived long after. In the case of Buddhism and Empress Wu, the religion played a pivotal role in justifying her rule, which could explain her special interest in it. Among the Buddhists followers, she was identified as the bodhisattva Maitreya, which helped her gain a sense of legitimacy to her reign, especially in a male-dominant society (Smarr Feb. 17 2012). The association of Buddhism with Wu helped spur Wu’s benevolent policies towards the religion, who benefitted handsome...
Today we can look around ourselves and see thousands of technical innovations that make life easier; But if we take a step back and ask ourselves “How?” we will soon realize that most often, these technological advancements did not just “poof” into existence, but are usually the outcome of building upon yesterday’s technology. If we follow this cycle back into time, we can attribute almost any modern day invention to an ancient civilization during its golden age. China was no exception. China’s Song and Tang dynasties fostered scientific advances comparable to Rome’s during its Pax Romana. The most significant and impacting of these were the development of primitive gunpowder and porcelain of the Tang and paper money, and the magnetic compass of the Song Dynasties. Although these may seem very far off, if you look hard enough, you can see traces of their impacts in society today because most of the advancements today we owe to them.
The Egyptians and Aztecs, are there own marked down in history with there many different but also similar activities. It’s what separates them out today when learning about the different culture and beliefs of this civilizations.
The first one is the Sumerian civilizations. Sumerian cities began in the south of Mesopotamia. Ruler was dependent upon to make sure that the city walls and irrigation systems were okay. Their government was based heavily on religion. They had created a system of laws which allowed them to keep order in their society. These laws were later called the Hammurabi’s Codes of Laws. The Sumerian cities also had a system of ranks. The ranks are as followed: leading family, priests, scribes, merchants, artisans, and peasant farmers. Majority of the population was made of farmers. As for education, only the royals went to school. Can you imagine only the upper class humans being able to go to school? Next, when the Mesopotamians were first civilizing women were equal to women. Although as time progressed the society became a fairly patriarchal society. Despite the women’s setbacks they still had some political rights. The Sumerians were polytheistic. Not surprising since it was an early civilization huh? They built ziggurats or a pyramid temple that soared towards the heavens. Although they were the first to create them Assyrians and the Babylonians also built them due to cultural diffusion. With these temples they praised their gods and thank them for all they have done. The Sumerians believed in an afterlife. Although they never went to extremes they buried their dead with weapons in case they needed them. The
The Buddhist brought with them the concept of multiple gods and Buddha’s “spiritual state to provide the power for humans to make the transition into death and the afterlife successfully” (Corduan, 2012, p.410). Confucianism brought the obedience of the child to the parent into Chinese mainstream life, plus the “social stratification and codes governing dress, actions and communication” (Corduan, 2012, p.409). Taoism introduced the balance of forces in harmony in spirits in the form of yin and yang, thus creating that balance of nature and humans (Corduan, 2012). Christianity influenced Chinese life both socially and economically by introducing the concepts of “love for one’s neighbor, self-discipline, and trust” (Lu, 2014, p.2) as both essential and beneficial (Lu, 2014). All of these together with the traditional Chinese religion, give the Chinese culture it’s popular religion
The main religions of China were Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism. The central religions in India were Hinduism and Buddhism. Both Ancient China and India had religious teachers that invented these prevalent religions. Confucius invented Confucianism, Lao Tzu invented Taoism, and a man named Hsun Tzu invented the ideas of Legalism in China. Hinduism in India took many of its religious beliefs from the Aryan people that invaded India. Buddhism was created around 520 B.C. by a wealthy man Siddhartha Gautama. China and India had much in common. They both believed in supernatural forces. For example, China and India believed that supernatural forces controlled the weather and the abundance of crops grown at certain times around the year. Furthermore, both ancient civilizations constructed art pertaining to their respective religions.
The cultures of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia developed into successful civilizations because they had rivers for mandatory needs like food and transportation, they had their own ruler, laws of civilization for the people, jobs for people, and temples for jobs and shelter for some.
When analyzing ancient civilization and how it began, there are many elements and aspects that should be considered. Questions such as how did civilization begin? What lead to its creation? Where did it begin, and why in that particular location? Many of these questions can be examined and answered by researching what many believe is the world’s earliest civilization, Mesopotamia. It is widely believed that this region was chosen and supported one of the world’s first civilizations. This area was settled over 10,000 years ago by a group of people known as the Sumerians (Cunningham & Reich, 2010).
Regarding religion, Chinese culture saw the emergence of Confucianism and Buddhism as the major influence. Confucianism stressed filial piety which meant respecting elders and superiors, ruling righteously, and obeying commands and orders. Confucianism was introduced by the Chinese thinker Confucius. Buddhism was brought to China, but originated in India and was founded by Siddhartha Gautama. Followers of Buddhism worshipped Buddh...
The four hundred years between the collapse of the Han dynasty (206 B.C.E.- C.E. 220) and the establishment of the Tang dynasty (618-906) mark a division in the history of China. During this period, foreign invasion, transcontinental trade, and missionary ambition opened the region to an unprecedented wealth of foreign cultural influences. These influences were both secular and sacred. Nomads, merchants, emissaries and missionaries flooded into China, bringing new customs, providing exotic wares, and generating new religious beliefs. Foremost among these beliefs was Buddhism, born in India, but which now took root in China. These new influences entered China by a vast network of overland routes, popularly known as the Silk Road
In the Chinese culture there are several major religions, two of these include Confucianism and Taoism, which have dated back for thousands of years. According to. Experiencing the World 's Religions and The World’s Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World’s Religions, both Confucianism and Taoism originated in ancient China through the religions’ teachers: Confucius and Lao Tzu. “Taoism and Confucianism grew up together, entering Chinese history around the sixth century B.C.E.; Taoism’s beginnings are linked to the legendary figure of Lao Tzu, senior to Confucius by about fifty years. Even though Taoism and many other folk religions have shaped the Chinese mind, Confucianism remains, by any historical measure, its chief mentor” (Novak 113).