Teaching Boys And Girls Separately By Paul Reva Summary

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In “Teaching Boys and Girls Separately,” Paul Reva, argues about the strategy of the Principal of an American elementary school, to separate the boys and girls into different classroom because of their behavior and ineffective way to learn. He thinks that schools should separate boys and girl because they learn different, and they have different experiences, the students would feel more comfortable in same-sex classrooms, and girls won’t feel mistreated during class. Indeed, boys and girls should attend school separately so that their grades improve and teachers can control their behavior better.
First, attending school separately, students would improve their grades for being in an environment without the distraction of the opposite sex. Teachers can better focus on the ability of students. In addition to that, there are scientifically innate differences in the male and female brain, for example, when students feel more comfortable in same-sex groups, they participate more, pay more attention, and compete with each other, then, …show more content…

Therefore, the teacher has to find different methods of organization and education to maintain order in the classroom. The differences between boys and girls in interest, maturity, games, reactions, form of socialize and express feelings is quite different, which requires a teacher to focus on his personality type and gender, for example, boys usually tend to be much most troubled from childhood to adolescence, as they show the cases of abuse and bullying, thus, the teacher have to give more attention and use different ways of discipline and organization, girls tend to be more responsible, organized and independent, that is why teachers choose different tasks for girls. All this makes the male and female students should have a different way of teaching and control

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