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United States taxation policy
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The tax policy in the United States is very confusing. When the tax policy was originally written in 1913 it was four hundred pages. Now, over the past ninety one years, that tax policy has evolved to over 72,000 pages. Since the tax code has become so lengthy and nearly impossible to understand, the topic of tax reform has been in the minds of many. Although, most barely think about tax reform until tax season. It is a controversial subject due to the impact a change in tax code would have on the American people. The two most popular and widely known stakeholders in this debate are the two major political parties in the United States, the Democrats and the Republicans. The two parties share absolutely no common ground on the subject of tax reform, other than thinking the other parties solution is wrong. The Democrats, in general, want to raise taxes on the wealthy, while Republicans, generally, want to cut taxes for everyone (Democratic Party) (GOP). Unfortunately, with the United States economy currently doing so poorly, the parties can no longer afford to remain at a standstill, some sort of compromise is going to have to be made. The implementation of a flat tax, and discarding the current tax system would be a compromise that both parties can agree on and will simplify the tax code, overall benefiting all Americans.
To understand this compromise, there needs to be a basic understanding of the United States current tax code, more specifically in this situation the federal income tax code. The income tax makes up 46 percent of the federal governments three trillion dollar internal revenue, that is 1.38 trillion dollars (.N.p.). The federal income tax is broken up into different groups based on a tax payers marital status. Taxpa...
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...e, Maxime, and Giuseppe C. Ruggeri. "Flat Taxes And Distributional Justice." Review Of Social Economy 56.3 (1998): 277-294. Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Jan. 2014.
GOP, . N.p.. Web. 24 Feb 2014. .
Henchman, Joseph. "Income Tax Reform." Journal Of State Taxation 31.1 (2012): 33-34. Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Jan. 2014.
Mehan, C.. N.p.. Web. 19 Jan 2014. . . N.p.. Web. 6 Mar 2014. . Kirkland, Stephen D. "Should We Have A Flat Tax?." Business & Economic Review 49.1 (2002): 27.
Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Jan. 2014. Stokey, Nancy L., and Sergio Rebelo. "Growth Effects Of Flat-Rate Taxes." Journal Of Political
Economy 103.3 (1995): 519. Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Jan. 2014. 1.8901008e+12
Garrett 5
Whether or not to keep or discard the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy, give tax breaks to the lowest tax bracket, and even throwing out the entire current tax code and replacing it with a simpler version, tax code and tax law has been a very controversial topic for the past few years. As it stands, the current tax code has over seventy two thousand pages, compared to the four hundred pages it had in 1913. There are many different stakeholders in this debate including taxpayers, corporations, businesses, etc. Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) is an organization that was “founded in 1985 by Grover Norquist at the request of President Reagan”(.N.p.). Their goal is to create and advocate for a simple flat tax,“...on the belief that they will provide a strong stimulus to investment, employment, and output” (Stokey 1). They promote their organization and represent taxpayers in all fifty states. Along with tax reform, ATR also advocates for individual health care, free trade, and spending transparency (.N.p.). Using very simple and easy to understand images, ATR is able to convey their goals and get information across to the general audience that visits their website.
Our current system of taxation is a varied rate percentage based on different income brackets. Many say that it violates our constitutional rights through unequal taxation. Multiple deductions, loopholes, special rates, and a complex system of regulations all characterize our Federal Income Tax System, prompting many to question why it is still being used (Peters, 2013). The current system although bringing in over $3 trillion, taxes income multiple times, and includes the taxing of estate, labor, savings, and investments (National Priorities Project, 2013). The system itself is complex with over 20,000 pages of regulations, requiring a massive filing system, which is set up and maintained by an even larger IRS, requiring over $225 billion in compliance costs (Hall, 2001). One can be hard pressed to find an advantage in the current system, other than the fact that it provides the government with an enormous amount of funds, and it has...
Many debates have been waged over the decades on what will be taxed, on who shall be taxed and how taxes are collected. Since the 16th Amendment was ratified in 1913, the debate has intensified, centering on how high to make the income tax rate. Most Americans were not concerned since the Amendment was sold to them as something that would only affect corporations and the rich. With ever increasing fervor these corporations created lobbyists to convince Congress to exempt them from some or all of the income tax. The big breakthrough in this was taxing the worker directly with payroll taxes during World War II. This method of collecting income tax was sold to Americans as temporary, but Congress has extended it indefinitely and the public has become used to it. The next few decades saw the debate revolve around creating tax breaks for individuals in an attempt to modify behavior or spending. This has resulted in over 67,000 pages of tax code and an entire industry devoted to tax compliance and evasion, with the unintended behavioral change of corporations and the rich parking their money outside of the United States in small island nations to avoid taxation. These offshore accounts are estimated to hold $10 trillion dollars, a number approximate to the national debt. The FairTax Act should be enacted because it eliminates all federal income taxes for individuals and corporations, eliminates all federal payroll withholding taxes, abolishes estate and capital gains taxes and repeals the 16th Amendment; thus eliminating the need for offshore accounts.
II. Implementing a flat tax without significantly increasing the deficit is impossible without shifting the burden from the rich to the middle-class, instead our current progressive tax policy needs to be changed so that it is simpler and does not allow corporations to abuse the tax loopholes.
Wilhelm, Heather “The Great Income Inequality Sham” Real Clear Politics. May 2013. Web. 29 Apr 2014.
Tax season is upon us and many Americans are scrambling around trying to get theirs finished by the end of the dead line. This time of year is not a joyous occasion, everyone on edge most of them pondering how much they will have to pay. While others are wondering if they will get as much as they thought they will, or are they going to be one of the unlucky few to be audited? I am one of those people, anxious, and waiting at the edge of my seat for that hammer of reality to come crashing down over my head. With each new election year comes new arguments and battles fought within the halls of Capital Hill, but who is right and is there a middle ground? I will present you with the facts as I have found them; the choice is yours to determine what is right and what is wrong.
Stratmann, Thomas, and Gabriel Okolski. "Does Government Spending Affect Economic Growth? | Mercatus." Mercatus. 10 June 10. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. .
In the United States there are four social classes : the upper class, the middle class, the working class, and the lower class. Of these four classes the most inequality exists between the upper class and the lower class. This inequality can be seen in the incomes that the two classes earn. During the period 1979 through the present , the growth in income has disproportionately grown.The bottom sixty percent of the US population actually saw their real income decrease in 1990 dollars. The next 20% saw medium gains. The top twenty percent saw their income increase 18%. The wealthiest one percent saw their incomes rise drastically over 80%. As reported in the 1997 Center on Budget's analysis , the wealthiest one percent of Americans ( 2.6 million people) received as much after-tax income in 1994 as the bottom 35 percent of the population combined (88 million people). But in 1977 the bottom 35 percent had about twice as much after tax income as the top one percent. These statistics further show the disproportional income growth among the social classes. The gr...
Lott Jr., J. R. (1987). Should the Wealthy Be Able to 'Buy Justice'?. Journal Of Political Economy, 95(6), 1307
Williams, R. (2009, April 22). The Numbers: What are the federal government's sources of revenue? Tax Policy Center. Retrieved from http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/background/numbers/revenue.cfm
Delayed from the original deadline, Senate Republicans have finished the tax reform that is likely to be voted on today. If the bill manages to be passed, debate will begin over the next few weeks as more changes are amended to it, likely resulting in an entirely different bill. Also, to be put in place may be a system that triggers an automatic tax increase if the GOP’s anticipated economic growth isn’t satisfied. This may push more Republicans away from passing the bill.
Taxation has always been a major controversy. Just like any major corporation, the government is constantly looking to raise revenue. The easiest and fairest way to do this is by taxing the people. However, how the people will be taxed is always an issue.
The two parties have major differences in the way they believe the economy should function in the United States. Democrats believe in “government intervention to influence the economy's direction” (Fuhrmann), while the Republican party is seen as “business friendly as it favors limited government regulation of the economy” (Fuhrmann). These views also trickle-down to their tax plans and policies. Republicans support tax plans that are considered a flat-rate tax system, a system in which each person pays the same percentage no matter their wage, but, Democrats often strive for a progressive tax system that raises taxes as a person makes more money. These tax plans are what help the parties reach their overall idea of what the economy should function like.
The United States politic is dominated by two major parties, the Democrats and Republicans, but there are some differences between the two political belief. Both parties favor tax cuts, but they have different views on which tax cuts should be applied. The Democrats believed that there should be only tax cuts for middle and low income families. They also believe that there should be higher on corporations and wealthy individuals. On the other hand, Republicans believe there should be tax cuts for everyone, both corporations and people of all income levels.
Gurría, Angel. "Improve tax fairness and help the developing world." OCED. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 24/04/2009. Web. 9 Oct 2011. .