Taking a Look at Cyberstalking

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Cyberstalking is a form of electronic crime by way of internet to harass or stalk their victim.
Such acts can target an individual, groups, and even organizations.Cyberstalking can be carried out by a number of different electronic and digital threats. Most commonly cyberstalking is known for its malicious intent to attack a victim through email, online chat forums and social media. However, “It may include the making of false accusations or statements of fact (as in defamation), monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information that may be used to harass.”
”Cyberstalking shares important characteristics with offline stalking; many stalkers – online or off – are motivated by a desire to control their victims.”(Cyber Stalking and Cyber Harassment
Altough cyberstalking does not involve physical contact it is a sensitive and serious offense.
Cyberstalking not only causes emotional burdens on its victim it also can be very damaging due to is anonimity. Because of the online advantages the perpetrator can be capable of extracting personal data from the victim in as little as a few keystrokes. Online information can provide phone numbers, profiles, date of birth, social security numbers, photos of residence and even directions. This criminal act even though it seems rather controlled and less harmful because of the lack of physical interaction is actually a larger threat. Beacause cyberstalker’s main use of commiting the crime is through online activity it is much harder to track the individual behind the act. “A cyberstalker’s true identity can be concealed by using different internet service providers and by adopting different screen names.” “...

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...g is a rising crime.
Unfortunately, lack of law enforcement training and expertise, anonymity, and jurisdiction limitations pose a huge burden and frustration on the victim as well as the law enforcement agency’s themselves. As more and more cases come to light more investigations can uncover criminal acts, prevent others from occurring, and provide evidence to enforce stricter laws outlying such threats.

Works Cited
Nolta, Brandon. Scranton: Penn Foster, 2012.
"Cyberstalking and Cyberharrasment Laws." 5 Dec. 2013. National Conference of State
Legislatures. 16 Dec. 2013

berharassment-laws.aspx>. http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0700-079 9/0784/Sections/0784.048.html

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