Taiwan Industry Essay

609 Words2 Pages

The major industry's that make up Taiwan's economy are energy, agriculture, and information technology. These industries have helped Taiwan in reaching number 27 on the all time GDP list. Taiwan’s gross domestic income is at an outstandingly high US$ 474,149,000,000. This shows that Taiwan has been able to use it's resources to produce at an extremely high level. This production hinges on the success of it's major industries.
One of Taiwan's most productive Industries is the field of Information Technology. It is evident that the Taiwanese Government has devoted a lot of the countries energy on enhancing the productivity of this industry. The industry accounts for 85 percent of Taiwan's industrial output. This shows that this industry is responsible for a lot Taiwan's revenue, thus increasing the number of job opportunities. This industry is a growing one, meaning more people want to be a part of it. In order for this to happen, there needs to be a form of higher education after high school. The people of Taiwan will have to go to college to obtain the necessary tools to succeed in...

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