T-Wave Inversions: A Case Study

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[Name] returns. The last time we saw her she was admitted for chest pain, and T-wave inversions. The T-wave inversions were old, but they did evaluate her for pulmonary embolism, and also cardiac causes. She did have a CTPA protocol, and a nuclear stress test; which were satisfactory. She did have a slight heart murmur, and I asked her to follow up with me again.

She is also interested in taking Concerta, which she says is very helpful in having her complete tasks at home. She is currently on Cymbalta, she is seeing Dr. [Name], psychiatry.

Meds are now Cymbalta, as well as multivitamins, and fish oil.

On exam today [Name] appears well. Her blood pressure is 100/64, temp 36.7, respiratory 16. Weight is 72 kg, which is increased.

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