Anne Bradstreet and Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Anne Bradstreet and Ralph Waldo Emerson

The first biography of an author is Anne Bradstreet. Anne Bradstreet appears in

the Puritan timeline in early 17th century. She was born and raise by the Dudley family in

the Northampton, England. During her lifetime event, her writing style is very basic with

very detail information and unmaintained of the life natural. Also she used the advance

vocab to apply into the book for average people to make sense in her own book she made.

During her life event, her family journey to the America for reason of setting up of the

puritan's own colonies from other colonies countries. But this may result of her and her

family of difficult task journey. On that event, her health is getting weaker every day on

that journey, but she has most of her children that she care them lot to her life.

Another biography of author is Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson

appears in Romanticism timeline in 19th century. He was raised by a Unitarian minister

(partially really related family member). Ralph’s writing style is more of his idea and

feelings as he applies more to his writing. In 1832 when his wife Ellen Tucker has passed

away as result of tuberculosis disease, he decided to step down of the Second minister of

the Church. Three years later, he married to another person he’s in love is Lydia Jackson.

In five years later, he and other assist people are making their first magazine The Dial.

As he’s getting older age, his life starts to off balance of his health status. But he continue

to journey more to speak about why slavery is not a good thing in a society.

For the different between these two authors on each of their life experience that


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... of ideas but given as a

powerful speaker that apply to his writing style to get them attention.. The similar that

Anne and Ralph have in their own writing style is their true belief in their life. These

authors has similar of the faith as their own writing style that applies to.

The common themes is a illiteracy that is similar, but in different story. There is

differences between Anne Bradstreet and Ralph Waldo Emerson for the common

themes. Anne Bradstreet’s common themes is that she know about her writing work

based on nature and god on the differences to each other. For Ralph Waldo Emerson his

common theme to his writing is that he want to have a self-reliance of own to the people

what they believe in. The similar that both of authors for the common themes is that they

have the moral of their own common themes based of their own life nature.

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