T.D. Wilson (2002) makes a point of identifying several sources of articles, references and course syllabi with varying takes on knowledge management within organizations. Wilson is convinced that organizations misuse the terminology “knowledge management” and that their activities are more concerned with managing information than with the management of knowledge (Wilson, 2002). Wilson defines knowledge as involving “the mental processes of comprehension” or, as “what we know” and information as the expression of what we know and can convey through messages (Wilson, 2002). By researching the use of the “knowledge management” Wilson conveys that the terms knowledge and information are used interchangeably, which results in an inaccurate application …show more content…
However, I do not dismiss that actual knowledge management truly exists or is being utilized due to the differing understandings of the terminology. In fact, I have seen knowledge management at its best in a first-hand experience. My organization has a strict rule that certain positions must take a mandatory consecutive 5-days off of work each calendar year. While an employee is out of the office for 5 days, work must continue. Processes, procedures and training have been implemented to assist in passing on information relevant to taking over another position during this time. Cross-training helps in this endeavor, but actually performing the duties of another job for 5 days requires knowledge management implementation to achieve success. Due to this, the organization must “impart knowledge and skills that enable employees to be more effective in their positions” (Avtgis, Rancer, & Liberman, 2012, p. …show more content…
To successfully implement valuable knowledge management, it must mimic the organization development and be an exerted effort that is “planned, organization-wide, and managed from the top, used to increase organizational effectiveness, incorporate planned interventions and behavioral science knowledge” (Avtgis, Rancer, & Liberman, 2012, p. 284). Without the incorporated strategies, knowledge management cannot be enhanced or shared. In line with my support of knowledge management, the appreciative inquiry approach to communication and organizational development is appropriate. Through appreciative inquiry, organizational stories can bring knowledge management. Scholars recognize that these stories bring value of “organizational intelligence…that organizations can utilize…to promote organizational development” (Avtgis, Rancer, & Liberman, 2012, p. 295). By selecting the appreciative inquiry approach, a focus on the organization’s success and individual moments of quality work highlight what they are “doing right.” These moments, stories and successes can be translated into emphasizing the best parts of the organization. These are the parts that need to be pulled, shared and translated into knowledge management, sharing the “best of the best” of the
“The harmful use of alcohol is a global problem which compromises both individual and social development. It results in 2.5 million deaths each year. An intoxicated person can harm others or put them at risk of traffic accidents or violent behavior, or negatively affect co-workers, relatives, friends or strangers. Thus, the impact of the harmful use of alcohol reaches deep into society.” This is a scary statistic which figuratively states that every thirteen seconds someone dies in a death related to alcohol. CBS news reported that more than 30 percent of American adults have abused alcohol or suffered from alcoholism at some point in their lives. This is a staggering number which is widely overlooked because alcohol is legal. Those who suffer feel helpless and trapped by their addiction being unable to stop and quit on their own. Thankfully a man named, Bill Wilson, lead a group of men to write how to become set free from the slavery of addiction.
In “The Death of Expertise” the author, Tom Nichols, expresses his concerns and fears about the ignorant public and their views on experts and the things they are experts in. Nichols states that, in today’s society, a backlash of hate and anger will ensue when the public is faced with an “assertion of expertise.” Nichols argues that people resent the thought of being wrong or different opinions “altering their own thoughts and changing the way they live.” Nichols states that even though everyone has equal rights, not everyone is an equal expert, which the public does not receive well. Nichols voices his worries about the “death of the expert” the bridge that separated the experts from the general public has collapsed and with it the idea that the experts know what they are talking about. The idea Nichols is trying to convey is not the “death of actual expertise,” instead what he fears had died is “any acknowledgement of expertise as anything that should alter our thoughts or change the way we live.” (Nichols, 1) There will always be experts in various fields; however people have stopped listening to them in order to protect their own opinions.
Knowledge work according to Raman, (1999), contains activities, which are "information-based, knowledge intensive and knowledge generating" (p. 2). The paper's theme is, "organizations staying ahead of the competition have come to realize knowledge and knowledge workers are their key to success in today's environment where knowledge and information have become commodities" (Raman, 1999, p. 1). This paper's theme traces the historical development of knowledge management and knowledge workers; differentiates between knowledge workers and non-knowledge workers, and illustrate the knowledge workers experience in the author's organization. Knowledge systems contain the potential to increase business value (Bang, Cleemann, & Bramming, 2010).
Williamson in his book Knowledge and It’s Limits primarily seeks to support his novel perspective of “knowledge first” epistemology (v). This approach sets forth the idea that knowledge cannot be analyzed into more basic concepts, such as belief or truth. The basis for this argument is that knowledge is a mental state, and thus it cannot be broken down into the combination of external conditions – like the state of the world such that it makes a proposition true – and internal conditions – like belief in a proposition or the justification of that belief (6). Certainly, Williamson is able to illustrate in his introduction the way in which he equates belief and knowledge as mental states, and refutes the idea that belief is conceptually prior to knowledge. However, Williamson takes the assertion that knowledge is a general factive mental state and supports this claim by offering it as a new approach to epistemology that avoids the problems of trying to analyze knowledge, and instead allows for knowledge to be the central concept used to elucidate others, like justification and eviden...
Hansen M., Nohria N., and Tierney T. (1999), “What’s your Strategy for Managing Knowledge?,” Harvard Business Review (March 1999), 106–16.
Nicolini D, Powell J, Conville P & Martinez-Solano L. (2008) Managing knowledge in the healthcare sector. A review. International Journal of Management Reviews 10, 245-263.
The utility of knowledge management has been debating for a long time. Knowledge is a strategic asset so it has to be managed like any critical assets of organization. In this article, the author argues that in the term "knowledge management", management is a doughnut with empty centre. Knowledge management, therefore, is primarily the business of those who actually make the dough the practitioners. Unless you are able to involve practitioners actively in the process, your ability to truly manage knowledge assets is going to remain seriously limited. The article proposes fundamental principles for effectively managing knowledge. The doughnut model of knowledge management is the key issue to be discussed in this article.
In his book “Tyranny of Experts” William Easterly makes a strong case that the technocratic approach to development forgoes poor people’s rights. Rich countries provide aid to poor countries through outsider experts who do not know enough about local realities. The author targets international financial institutions as the main promoters of this approach. Having worked at the World Bank for sixteen years , Easterly uses his firsthand experience to inform his arguments.
...bjectives and realize growth. Knowledge Management Knowledge management plays a key role in ensuring that the different functions and activities of a company are synchronized. In Google’s case, the purchase of Motorola (which has turned out not to have been the best business decision) probably could have been avoided if the knowledge within the company was managed and used better. Knowledge enables a company to create, recognize and distribute opportunities. When every employee of a company contributes his or her part of knowledge into the knowledge pool, it is very beneficial as it contributes to the overall success of the company. Proper application of the available knowledge in a company can offer several competitive benefits to both the company and the employees. Application of accurate knowledge at the correct situation helps a company to make good decisions.
Pasher, E., & Ronen, T. (2011). The complete guide to knowledge management: A strategic plan to leverage your company 's intellectual capital. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons.
In times of economic change it is important for companies to remain flexible and adapt in order to be sustainable. New theories of management have developed to tap into a company’s core competencies and give it the ability to shift its product offerings and stay competitive. One theory that has gained popularity is Knowledge Management. A 1997 survey of 200 large US firms found that 80% of corporations had initiated knowledge programs of management. Both corporations and non-profit entities have adopted knowledge management practices - Monsanto, Hewlett-Packard and BP as well as the Army, Navy and the World Bank. As Peter Drucker, who coined the term “Knowledge Worker”, wrote in his Managing in a Time of Great Change, “Knowledge has become the key economic resource and the dominant – and perhaps the only – source of competitive advantage.”
Nonaka, I. (1994). A dynamic theory of organisational knowledge creation. Organisation Science. 5 (1). 14–37.
Knowledge Management majorly can be seen as an approach whereby an enterprise or organization can influence the ‘tacit’ and ‘explicit’ Knowledge of its employees, trading partners, and outside experts for the benefit of the organization (Ackerman et al., 2002, Bellaver and Lusa, 2001). Knowledge Management leads to driving Knowledge till an extent of being a vital asset of an organization and alongside develops processes and activities to manage it efficiently & effectively (Moffet & McAdam, 2003). This essay throws light on two approaches to knowledge management and how they differ in context to the their respective techniques of Knowledge Management. The next section gives a broader view of Nonaka’s Theory and approach to knowledge management and his basis of considering individual knowledge articulation and Knowledge Sharing, a facilitator to organizational knowledge creation. Further, this essay explains how the implications of Knowledge Management, Individual and Organizational; link to management and strategy and how adapting proper techniques and processes of knowledge management provide organizations with a competitive advantage over its contenders.
In most organizations, effective utilization of knowledge increases productivity, creates competitive advantage and, ultimately, improves profits.
(106) 'Knowledge management means using the ideas and experience of employees, customers and suppliers to improve the organisation’s performance. ' (5) Knowledge management (KM) is best when 'it is in alignment with organizational culture, structure and strategy ' (5). For this reason, the aim of this briefing document is to advise Santander on solutions to potential KM barriers employees may face by discussing three key barriers- culture, technology and leadership.