Systemic Mastocytosis And Synthesis Essay

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As I mentioned before, Systemic Mastocytosis runs in my family. My dad has SM and I am being closely watched for it. I don’t remember exactly when my dad was diagnosed but I remember him being rally sick. However, I do remember I was in 3rd grade when he had to go through chemo, which means I was about 9 years old. So of course I had no idea what was going on when I was 9. I just remember that I had to stay with a family friend’s house, which happened to be my sister’s best friend’s family. My dad’s doctor wanted to try chemo, they were not sure if it would work. Thankfully it did and my dad came home, and of course because of the chemo it made him weak and not look too good. I also just recently found out that my dad has a tumor in his stomach, no one in my family knew about it. …show more content…

Most doctor do not know much about Systemic Mastocytosis and if they do it is only a little bit. After a while the doctors wanted to keep a close eye on me and my siblings. My brother and I only showed signs of the disease. However, my brother was growing out of the disease and signs of the disease like most kids, who show signs of SM. I on the other hand was not. I have one major sign of SM, which is Dermatographia. Dermatographia is a condition in which lightly scratching your skin causes raised, red lines where you’ve scratches, which is basically hives. But this is not limited to scratches. You could be scratched, hit, or, this has happened to me before, I sat a really cold hold and developed hives. The hives to go way by the time 30 minutes past. Although I do show signs of SM I have not be officially diagnosed. My dog just so happened to have a tumor in her leg. When the vet sent it in to be tested, they found that it was mast cells. My dog has staged two cancer and the same disease as my dad, what is the

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