Systematic Processing And Behavior Analysis

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In social mental investigations of the influence of others, the main objective is to achieve change in someone else or in other research, oneself. The major concentration on individuals are the states of mind or attitude, because of its intervention in behavior change. An attitude describes the thoughts towards other individuals, dilemmas, or objects. The act of influencing can affect a person’s convictions and lead them to change their state of mind. Changing a person’s attitude will lead to the influence of a person’s conduct or actions. The consequence of displaying data or giving information on a certain point will most likely lead an individual to adjust their convictions or demeanors. The conveyed message and desired response are descriptions …show more content…

These cognitive processes can be approached through two different ways and are labeled systematic and heuristic processing. Systematic processing handles information in a considerative, logical, and extensive manner. The information processed should be information that decisions and conclusions can be made from. It should be intellectually stimulating involving a high mental procedures such as recalling information, comprehending, critical thinking and reasoning (Chaiken 1999). The concept of systematic processing appears to be justified from individuals responses towards prompts involving credible communicators, conscious crowd assessment or outside criticism of the individual's well being (Chaiken 1980). Heuristic processing uses strategies that originate as a matter of fact involving the enactment and utilization of judgmental principles from experience . This information acquired through these experiences and assumed to be easily recalled. The effortless recollection of information requires very little intellectual stimulation yet restricted to the extent social-cognitive fundamentals. These fundamentals describe the availability, accessibility, and applicability of the information recalled (Chaiken 1999). The concept of heuristic processing is seen when people use their own considerations involving trusting people with the rationalization that they are usually honest. Individuals also tend to concur with others when they find them appealing (Chaiken

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