Synthesis Essay Technology

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Technology is used so much these days. No matter where you are it always seems that technology is somewhere around. It’s also used for so many things. To connect with friends and family, meet new people, amazing pictures, the ability to share what you choose with people, and so many studies have concluded that technology is beneficial. Also the instant knowledge that people have the opportunity to access every day.
By using technology people are closer to their friends and family. Especially if you live far from friends and family. By using technology people can call, text, email, facetime, Instagram, snapchat, google+, twitter, tango, and skype. Source two “but 81 percent of experts polled by the Pew Internet research Project say the opportunities outweighed the distractions. “There are even more ways to connect with family and others. Technology is also another way to meet people. A lot of the ways listed above are so many ways to meet new people and become part of a social community. …show more content…

In source two Peter Norvig states that “the internet contains the world’s best writing, images, and ideas; google lets us find the relevant pieces instantly.” By stating this in the article he is saying what we have now is the best we’ve ever had on the internet. By having the internet in our grasp we have so much potential to learn. The internet gives us the chance to think faster and better. The internet has even given us insight on cultures besides our own, google as an example can tale people to endless places without even getting out of a

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