Synthesis Essay On Suicide

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As a female, we are always expected to “look” a certain way, they expect to see a beautiful, small “airheaded” woman with a certain shade of being “colorful”. When you think about it, is everyone really impressed with a woman who is not independent and “looks” the way that society wants her to? According to the daily mail some women are very insecure about themselves because of how society thinks women should be pictured. I believe I have come up with a solution to this problem. When it comes to TV’s, magazines, and possibly the people around you, we tend to compare ourselves to others and we start to doubt about what if I looked like that instead. I propose that we balance all the “colorful” women’s shapes and those who are against can go live in their own little space called “One way.” …show more content…

Women are 21 times more likely at risk of having suicidal behavior and 12 times the risk of suicide attempts. Getting these thoughts out of their heads can help them to achieve great things in life and just being a better person overall. Instead of tearing each other down all the time we should be able to help one another grow into something beautiful. Then there's the issue of people being overweight, others calling them rude names which leads to 1 in 5 American's deaths that are associated with obesity. It's not okay to pick out someone else's flaws when you have plenty of your own for starters your personality is pretty

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