Synthesis Essay On Pennies

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Pennies that were once created to hold a value of one cent are today more trouble than they are worth and should be abolished for numerous reasons. “Can nobody rid America of this cooper-coated scourge?” (Source A). The penny that “Once, it had swagger” (Source A), is slowly declining in popularity over the years as individuals grow less fond of them. The amount of pennies that are lost and remain unused is rising quickly in our population.
When you are at a cash register purchasing items and receive pennies back as change how many times do you donate your pennies the small boxes for charities because they are not important or seem useless to you? While donating a couple of pennies is an easy task for most, donating a nickel or even a quarter …show more content…

If pennies are no longer being used as often, are they making our economy lose money? The amount of supplies, electricity to run machines, and labor for those working can add up to be costlier than the economy has profited from money earned back from pennies. If the U.S. take away the pennies they will be saving money from no longer needing the supplies and as many employees and machines. Individuals have tried to brainstorm ways of getting giving the penny a new name for say to make it more popular or try to bring it back into use. Many have considered changing the picture of the penny to maybe try and give things a change, although this could be a good idea the changing of design is not going to differ the amount of money the penny is worth or how often they are used (Source G). The only solution to solving the issue of losing money in the process of making pennies is that they actually become popular again, with taking people opinions on pennies into consideration this outcome is unlikely to happen. Thence, the best solution is to abolish the penny so the economy can save its money and use it to better our

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