Symbolism In The Yellow Wallpaper

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Victoria Cavazos
Dr. Masilamony
English 1302- SW3
April 15, 2014
Humble Items That Trap a Woman
Author Charlotte P. Gilman’s, “The Yellow Wallpaper” is a complex short story that discusses the thoughts and feelings of a woman who is kept confined in a small upstairs bedroom by her husband. The woman suffers from depression and anxiety, yet her spouse whom is a physician claims that she is not terribly ill. Despite all the strange thoughts she acquires, she continues to force herself to accept her new life style and awkward place of living. As she comes to find herself overwhelmed with her personal bedroom, we soon discover that the room’s yellow wallpaper is what affects her directly and is the reason for her many interpretations. The symbols in the story take a great part in the overall plot and leads to the various connections between the imagery and the woman herself.
When analyzing the story we come to find that the wallpaper itself is one major symbol that has a tremendous effect on the main character. During this time around the 19th century, women are looked at a certain way causing them to all be equal in the eyes of others. They are perceived as being uncertain of their lives, messed up or unstable, and incapable of completing the jobs of men. While the wallpaper cannot be specified one specific way, it is described as having many angles, curves and patterns that interfere with one another; just as a woman’s emotions cannot be categorized. ( ).
Having the setting take place in a house where the narrator herself feels uncomfortable, it does not help to give her restrictions in an area in which she is already unhappy. “I am afraid, but I don’t care ---- there is something strange about the house ---- I can feel it” (...

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...asonably angry with John sometimes. I’m sure I never used to be so sensitive” says the wife. “He is very careful and loving and hardly lets me stir without special direction” ( ). She is always aware of the wonderful things her husband does for her yet she continues to complain due to her nervous condition. Just like a child she has someone to help her when help is needed and regardless of the common sense she should have she continues to do ignorant things and have ignorant thoughts.
The symbolism ranges into various depths. Still, the yellow wallpaper itself is the greatest of them all due to the impact it has on the narrator whom is sick because of her obsession with the paper or because the old smell and color and feel of the paper was not something she should be around in the first place. After tearing it all down though, she has freed herself , finally.

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