Symbolism In Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince

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During, The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli, you notice symbolism throughout the story, to show hidden meanings though objects that are abstract in our eyes to create allow for the teachings of Machiavelli to be passed down. Machiavelli was known for being a crazy geek though he was actually a poor man in poor condition who believes deeply in the rule of the Medici family, though he still sees errors in their ones, the driving force in this book is to show how they can easily fix the issues he sees. Machiavelli gives directions to lie,cheat,steal and do whatever need be to get an army and control the land that is their own. He gives directions on how to gain control, keep control, not lose control, where to get control and even how lucky people are they are in control. Three major symbols or descriptions Machiavelli gives us throughout the story is the message of fox to lion and high …show more content…

Using the lion to fox analogy, is the best way to interpret one of Machiavelli's main symbols within the story. The lion to fox symbol shows how Machiavelli believes good prince’s and leaders need both traits from lions to fox and back again. If you are to be a leader like how Machiavelli describes you need to have the ability to transform your mindset quickly

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