Symbolal Allegory In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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The symbolical allegory “Lord of the Flies” written by William Golding, symbolizes through different characters of how humankind are evil from the core. The story of a group of schoolboys trapped on a deserted island takes more of a symbolizing story than it might seem. Each detail takes a position in the story to show the core of humanity. A group of young boys together without adult supervision causes the boys to slowly reveal their savage core. Being a part of the English society has taught them to make rules and follow them, but slowly as they realize that there are no grownups are there to stop them, the revealing of their nature begins. William Golding states in his interview concerning the theme of the book, “The theme is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature.” (Golding 204). The human race has been evil ever since Adam and Eve sinned, but through the Bible, we try our best to cover the core of our hearts with rules and morality. Throughout the novel, the nature of man is shown throughout the boys on the island. The boys are yearn to feel important, to have power over the weak. Characters such as Jack and even a little one like Henry shows a desire to rule over the …show more content…

It begins when Jack sees hunting a pig a point of power. Being overpowered by the desire to earn power through hunting pigs, causes him to become ignorant of the fire which ceased their chance of being rescued. “Jack checked, vaguely irritated by this irrelevance by too happy to let it worry him” (Golding 69). His selfish joy has cost the entire group to not be rescued, and this shows that his savagery instincts rule over his logical instincts. Jack was also presented as the “beast” by Ralph when he states, “You’re a beast and a swine, and a bloody, bloody thief!” (Golding 179). Undoubtedly, the beast who symbolizes the evil inside of man was represented by

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