Symbiotic Relationships In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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What are symbiotic relationships? Symbiotic relationships are two organisms that have a certain outcome: Positive, Negative, or unaffected. Symbolic relationships surround us in everything we do. These relationships are good for relating to movies, books, and real life. The book of mice and men, by John Steinbeck that is realistic fiction, is portrayed in just that way. This book is about two men, George and Lennie, who try their hand at the american dream. And just when they think it can be done, everything falls apart. Characters in this book have symbiotic relationships too. George and Lennie, two men going for the american dream, show mutualism. Mutualism is a relationship with two people benefiting. Crooks, the African American stable hand, shows commensalism. Commensalism is when one person benefits from the relationship but the other is unaffected. And Curly's Wife shows an example of amensalism. This means that one partner is harmed and the other is unaffected. With this, Mutualism, commensalism, and amensalism are all relationships that George and lennie, Crooks, and Curley's wife all share. …show more content…

George looks out for Lennie, when the boss comes in and asks questions. George tells lies to make sure Lennie has a job. Lennie looks out for George when Curley starts looking for trouble with the boys. Also, George gets a friendship with Lennie; meanwhile, Lennie feels Thompson 2 love from George. “ ‘cause i got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that why!” (Steinbeck 14) That proves George and Lennie share a mutualism relationship. Therefore, George and Lennie share the symbiotic relationship,

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