Sybil Summary

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Sybil is a true story of Sybil Isabel Dorsett who developed sixteen separate personalities in order to deal with a very traumatic childhood. Sybil's story is one of the most dramatic cases of multiple personalities. She turns into many different people when she flips personalities. She turns into a toddler that never ages named Ruthie. Vanessa and Marcia come at two different times but begin to bond with each other personally. They begin to use Sybil's body at the same time. She even has male personalities that she turns into. The males names are Mike and Sid. Sybil is the only known case that has male and female personalities that utilize her body at the same time. It is even more amazing than the variety of selves created are the reasons …show more content…

Her father was a respectable businessman who lived by strong religious principles. Her mom was named Hattie Dorsett. She was a strong women that expected nothing but the best from her daughter and believed in punishment for bad behavior. Hattie also suffered from untreated schizophrenia and her dad lived his life in denial. Hattie's disease caused her mental stability to suffer. It made her subject to periods of wild fancy and extreme depression. From the beginning of Sybil's life she has faced battle after battle. By the age of two she was fought so much she didn't have enough energy and began to develop alternate selves to help her. Hattie Dorsett put her daughter through unthinkable torture. She would giver her daily enemas with cold water then make her hold it in for the day or she would have a worse punishment. Sybil broke many bones in the hands of her mother and her anger. She also was constantly belittled even though she had a creative side. Sybil's dad did not see what was happening because he worked long hours away from the home. What he did see he refused to acknowledge it until years …show more content…

The terms are physiological disorder, therapy and change, and parenting styles. A psychological disorder is a disorder of the mind involving thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that cause self or other significant distress. Significant distress can mean the person is unable to function, meet personal needs on their own, or are in danger to themselves or others. In the book Sybil showed she had a psychological disorder. She had many different personalities and that caused her to not be able to attend college because the college nurse said it would help her if she was at home. Another term is therapy and change. Therapy is the treatment of the treatment especially of bodily, mental, or behavior disorder. Change is the effect of the therapy. Change happens when the therapy is working on the patient. In the story there is a lot of therapy and change that happens. Sybil goes through therapy after she is sent back home from college. She had to go home because she had really bad time lapses in college. When she got home her mom was still as cruel as she used to be so her only escape was therapy. Her therapist Dr. Wilbur helped her with her anxiety and multiple personalities disorder. So that Sybil could have change the two met up often and grew a bond that would last for many years. There was signs of change and improvement from the therapy. Dr. Wilbur took all sixteen of Sybil's personalities and eventually turned them into one.

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