Suspension System Essay

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Suspension and alignment are two of the most important part of our cars today. We rely on our cars to have good suspension system because our cars go through many different road conditions that can affect the way the car is driven. The alignment helps the cars maintain a correct suspension balance the cars need to be when functioning. There are many type of suspension and alignments type in our modern cars today. Without a good suspension and alignment system our modern cars could face many problems just getting around on the road. The suspension stabilizes the vehicle movement during acceleration, turning, and braking. The suspension helps eliminates the roughness of the road when driving. The suspension systems is made to maintain the vehicles correct ride high, support weight of the vehicle, maintain proper wheel alignment, keep the tires in contact with the road, control the vehicle direction of travel, and reduce the effects of shock forces.

Wheel alignment error can cause three common problems on a car irregular tire wear, handling problems, and crooked steering wheel. A common indicator of a bad alignment is shoulder wear on a tire. Shoulder wear on a tire is caused by toe or camber wear. The inward or outward tilt of is called Camber. If the tire is tilted to far outward the outside shoulder will wear. If the tire is titled to far inwards the inside shoulder of the tire will begin to wear. Both of these tire wear can occur in the front or the rear of the vehicle. Rapid tire wear can be caused by toe. If the wheel is pointed to far inside the outside tread of the tire will wear. Inside wear on a tire will occur if the wheel is pointed inwards. Another sign of alignment problem is when the vehicle starts to pull when driv...

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...multiple times throughout the year. When replacing your shocks you should replace them in pairs like, rear to rear or front to front. Having a good suspension system and your vehicle aligned plays a very important part on your vehicle. If you don’t maintain your suspension system or check to see if your vehicle is aligned you can a very uncomfortable ride.

Suspension and alignment are very important when it comes to vehicle. People rely on suspension to keep our cars in place when we drive. Alignments allow our tires stay in good shape and keep our tires in contact with the roads. When you steer you want to have full control over the vehicle. Having a good suspension system and your vehicle aligned will provide your vehicle to get through some rough road condition. You may never know what road you may drive on so make sure your car is prepared for the condition.

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