Susan B. Anthony's Oppression Of Women

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I argue that woman were oppressed by men and fought back. In this essay there will be demonstrations supporting this argument. Men from the very beginning of time has always been viewed as the “superior sex”, but as time moved forward women began to take a stand. Although the battle of the sexes has been going on for thousands of years, women never had rallied together liked they did in the 1920’s and on. Men have tried to stand their ground with the weight of society on their side, but women were made with a sharp mind and a soft body. One way the masculine sex oppressed the more gentile sex was by exploiting the fact that women’s bodies tend have less muscle mass then men’s, therefore women can not work as men do and need to busy themselves with domestic duties (“Basis of Women’s Oppression). This thinking lasted for many years, making it hard for any women trying to make it on her own in the world. Then once that poor lady finds an employer to hire her, the pay was not equal to her male coworker that had done the …show more content…

Susan B. Anthony was the brave soul that started to take action regarding the unjustified acts against her sex. Susan was one of the members of the National Woman Suffrage Association that decided to take a stand and register to vote. Susan not only successfully registered but also voted in New York. She not long after was arrested, tried, and fined one hundred dollars. In court she said “the only chance women have for justice in this country is to violate the law, as I have done, and as I shall continue to do.” Susan also refused to pay the hundred dollar fine (Lange, Allison). Although Susan’s case did not have a direct impact on the change of whom should be able to vote, I believe she effected it indirectly by inspiring the women that would all women to change the way society views

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