Sunita Puri's Cultural Identity Vs. Ethnic Fashions

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Cultural appropriation is a sociological concept which views the adoption or of elements of one culture by members of a different culture as a largely negative phenomenon. It has a negative connotation because cultural appropriation also refers to a particular power dynamic in which members of a dominant culture take elements from a culture of people who have been systematically oppressed by that dominant group. In Sunita Puri’s article “Cultural Identity vs. Ethnic Fashions”, she divulges in the topic of cultural appropriation, and uses ethnic and pathetic appeals to establish her credibility as an Indian American who can speak on behalf of her people to convince non-Indians to stop using the Bindi as a fashion statement. She brings forth personal experiences and examples from pop-culture and explains why appropriation is offensive. …show more content…

She describes her Indian-Punjabi-American background and her experiences when trying to identify with multiple cultures. She recalls an experience where someone told her that the Bindi was an easy way to assert her identity and be fashionable. He then pulls up an image of pop icons who sported the Bindi at a recent award show. She explains that she wears the Bindi to demonstrate her faithfulness and loyalty to her culture and religion, not to imitate insensitive celebrities. The use of the Bindi in pop culture is a prime example of removing something traditional out of context and popularizing it

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